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10-30-18 — Elementary Counselors Tackle Social Emotional Health Topics

Oct. 30, 2018 ~ Olathe’s elementary counselors will host an evening of presentations and discussions relating to the social and emotional health of children on Thursday, Nov. 8 at Frontier Trail Middle School, 15300 W. 143rd Street, Olathe.

registration QR code “Building Bridges for Students’ Success” is the name of the event for parents of children of all ages. Tim DeWeese of Johnson County Mental Health delivers the keynote address at 6 p.m. His topic is the most pressing mental health issues in Johnson County.

Parents are encouraged to scan the QR code at left, or complete an online form to register for this unique event.

Breakout sessions take place from 6:50-7:20 p.m. and 7:25-7:55 p.m. Those speakers will be:

  • Pleasant Ridge Elementary Principal Krystal Actkinson, kindergarten teacher Carrie Skorupan and counselor Katie Crabtree discussing Second Step, the social emotional learning curriculum taught weekly by classroom teachers.
  • District Manager of Safety and Security Rick Castillo focusing on the district’s multi-layer approach to a crisis, crisis management in the building and support from the district, and how students play a role in the Safe Schools community.
  • District Library Media Coordinator Lori Franklin exploring the ways children access and use social media, cyber security issues, and how technology is infused in the lives of the youngest generations.
  • Manchester Park Elementary counselor Cassandra Wetzel discussing the power of grit and how parents can instill grit to help their children become successful now and in the future.
  • Fairview Elementary counselor Mitchell Cloud focusing on parents’ role as problem solvers and offering strategies for having crucial conversations with children in an accepting, curious, and empathetic way.
  • Rolling Ridge Elementary counselor Jessica Click exploring the correlation between mental health status and nutrition, and equipping parents with practical approaches they can take to support their child’s wellbeing with appropriate nutritional choices.
  • Kerry Josie, therapist at Skylight Family Therapy, discussing how stress and trauma affect a child's ability to navigate relationships successfully and learn effectively in school.
  • Washington Elementary counseling liaison Kristen Kepner focusing on the topic of talking with young adolescents about death and grieving, and how parents can help them through this difficult process.
  • Johnson County Mental Health Director of Children and Family Services Janie Yannacito exploring the many types of support and services offered by the agency.