Message from JCPRD about Childcare Programming - February 2024

  • As Olathe Public Schools gears up for the 2024-25 school year, there are a lot of questions about what the changes will look like. Johnson County Park and Recreation District (JCPRD) wants to share some of their efforts to help Olathe families with their childcare needs.

    JCPRD provides before- and after-school programming at all 36 elementary schools. JCPRD is committed to providing families with quality out of school time (OST) programs at an affordable cost. Their staff is dedicated to providing children with what they need: a safe, enriching, fun place to be. As a part of that commitment, JCPRD is increasing program sizes throughout the school district to help more families with childcare needs. The solution to increasing program capacity will not be one single idea but likely a combination of several options that they are currently exploring. The before-school program will still open at 7 a.m., and the after-school program will still close at 6 p.m. Other helpful program details for the 2024-25 school year are available on the JCPRD website.

    The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) is currently updating their licensed childcare facility regulations. One of the proposed changes is to increase the schoolage child-to-staff ratio. JCPRD is working closely with KDHE to stay abreast of program changes that will help with any staffing needs for the coming school year.

    JCPRD is hiring, so if you know of anyone who would like to work in the before and/or after-school program, have them call 913-826-3067 or visit the JCPRD job listings webpage. Next school year, JCPRD is working on new employee perks to attract new staff as well to help expand the programs.

JCPRD Before- and After-School Program Fees

  • Johnson County Park and Recreation (JCPRD) provides before- and after-school programming at all 36 elementary schools. Visit the JCPRD website for enrollment information.

    Before-school program only (7 a.m.-8:55 a.m.)

    • Full-time program is $69 per week
    • Part-time program is $64 per week (1-3 days)

    After-school program only (3:55-6 p.m.)

    • Full-time program is $70 per week
    • Part-time program is $51 per week (1-3 days)

    Before- and after-school program combination

    • Full-time program is $104 per week
    • Part-time program is $80 per week (1-3 days)

    Eligibility-based reduced rates

    • Full-time, reduced price lunch rate is $60 per week
    • Full-time, free lunch rate is $45 per week

    Additional details

    • Full-time program means four or five days per week. Part-time program is three days or fewer per week. Days must be consistent every week.
    • Fees are charged weekly, in advance of care, via automatic withdrawal.
    • The second-child discount is 10%.
    • A $50 non-refundable registration fee is paid upon enrollment.
    • A $30 reconciliation fee will be assessed for all declined payments.
    • A $15 change fee will apply to changes in programming options.
    • Department for Children and Families or KVC Health Systems and other forms of assistance may be used toward payment of fees, unless free and reduced lunch rates apply.
    • Fees include all snacks, field trips and activities.
    • No additional charge for all-day program on professional days and parent-teacher conference days for full-time enrollees. Part-time participants will be charged $30 if a no-school day does not fall on their regularly scheduled day.
    • Watch the Out of School Time Orientation presentation
    • For more information visit the JCPRD website or call 913-826-3067.