Message from the Chief Financial Officer

  • John HutchisonThe Olathe Public Schools is a dynamic and successful school district with unparalleled community support. Whether you consider the continued support of bond issues, high levels of parent involvement, or the impressive levels of corporate support, our students are fortunate to live in a community that values education and steps forward to support them.

    The Olathe Board of Education has worked diligently in difficult financial times to be efficient and effective stewards of your tax dollars while continuing to provide an education that empowers all students with the skills and knowledge necessary to be prepared for their future.

    The Annual Budget Report has been created to provide information regarding our budget and to put our finances into perspective. The Board of Education and district leadership have developed a budget that aligns our finances with educational goals so that all our students can achieve success.

    John Hutchison - Chief Financial Officer

Building Needs Assessment and State Assessments Review

State Budget Documents

Other Budget-Related Reports