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12-8-15 — Oregon Trail Debuts 'Superhero Ultraferno' in Olathe

Dec. 8, 2015 ~ Young actors at Oregon Trail Middle School are among the first to ever perform the middle school version of "Superhero Ultraferno," a crash course of sorts about tights-wearing crimefighters from the 1960s to current day.

back of boy's jacket shows Superman "Janet Glassman contacted me about doing a middle school-friendly version of the show," said playwright Don Zolidis. "I had designed the play in sections so it would be easy to remove a few sections of the script here and there. She made a few cuts to the script, some for time and others for appropriateness."

Oregon Trail theatre teacher Janet Glassman is among a group of teachers who have produced several of Zolidis' plays over the years, so she felt comfortable asking to make some slight changes so it would be appropriate for her middle school-aged students.

"Don was great about the changes and now has a middle school appropriate version to use," Glassman said.

Although Glassman only learned of "Superhero Ultraferno" during the first week of school this year, she and her young thespians were ready for a mid-November debut in Olathe.

"My kids were all very excited about the play, but I don't think they really realized how cool it was to be one of the first to perform it," Glassman said. "I also have a group of kids who are huge superhero fans and attend Comic-Con all the time."

(Photo: A young visitor to Oregon Trail's rehearsals displayed his enthusiasm for superheroes.)