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12-4-17 — Students Share Details of Leadership with Board
Dec. 4, 2017 ~ The Olathe Board of Education will meet for its regular monthly meeting at 6 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 7, in the Education Center, 14160 Black Bob Road, Olathe. One presentation to the board will feature students from Olathe Advanced Technical Center. The presenters are leaders within the school as well as the Kansas SkillsUSA organization. They will talk about community service projects.
The second presentation will cover questions about the 2017 real estate tax statements received by district homeowners. Chief Financial and Operations Officer John Hutchison will give a short presentation to help homeowners within the district understand information in their recent Johnson County tax bill.
Later in the meeting, the board will recognize a business partner and several staff members. Recognitions also include a number of students who achieved great success for their academic or athletic abilities. This is the last month for recognitions to begin at 7 p.m. At the Jan. 11 meeting, board members will start their meetings at 6 p.m. with recognitions and public comments.
The board will take action on a number of items including a consent agenda, bids / contracts / agreements, and audit reports. Board members will receive information on several future action items ranging from student trips to curriculum. Two written reports will be shared with the board.
An executive session is planned so that board members may discuss personnel issues.
The complete agenda and supporting documents are available online at https://www.boarddocs.com/ks/olathe/Board.nsf/Public.