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11-4-22 — November 2022 Board Meeting Review
Nov. 4, 2022 ~ The Olathe Board of Education met Nov. 3 for its regular meeting. The agenda included a school spotlight and an overview of gifted education in Olathe Public Schools.
- Olathe East High School received the Kansas FAFSA Challenge Award for having the highest FAFSA completion rate among 6A high schools in the state.
- The district’s Business and Finance Division received the Meritorious Budget Award from the Association of School Business Officials International.
School Spotlight
Brougham Elementary School Principal Stephanie Conklin was joined by a group of Brougham student leaders to present a Top 10 list of things about Brougham. They celebrated Brougham’s status as a Leader in Me Lighthouse School, a variety of after-school clubs and activities, service projects to help the community, and Panther Pack families made up of students in multiple grade levels working together.
American Education Week, Nov. 14-18
Chisholm Trail Middle School English teacher Brooke Robison and Positive Behavioral Intervention Supports coach Anne-Marie Bixler-Funk discussed the history of the Olathe School District going back to the 1860s, and how schools play a significant role in the community. The history of American Education Week goes back to 1921 when the National Education Association and American Legion sought ways to support public education. This year, Olathe Public Schools will celebrate all week, Nov. 14-18, with a special focus each day. Nov. 14 is Kick-off Day, followed by Family Day and Education Support Professionals Day on Wednesday, Nov. 16. The week wraps up with Educator for a Day on Thursday, and Substitute Educators Day on Friday, Nov. 18.
Gifted Education Programs
Executive Director of Special Services Anjanette Tolman and Special Services Coordinator Andrew Heinicke shared information about the district’s gifted education programs. Gifted is a special education service for students who perform or demonstrate the potential for performing at significantly higher levels of accomplishment in academics when compared to others of similar age, experience and environment. Across the state, about 3.2% of students in grades K-12 are in gifted programs, compared to 2.09% in Olathe. They mentioned that 650 students participate in gifted programs, with 61.1% being male and 38.9% female.
Tolman and Heinicke said they would like Olathe to use standardized scores set forth in the Kansas State Department of Education eligibility indicators document, which is 97th percentile or higher on a nationally normed test of cognition, and 95th percentile on a nationally normed test of achievement. The board later voted to use the state’s eligibility criteria for entrance to the gifted programs.
Dress Code Committee
Assistant Superintendent of High School Clint Albers was joined by Olathe North High School Principal Jason Herman, Olathe East High School Principal Kerry Lane and two high school students in a presentation about work of the district’s Dress Code Committee. The board passed policy JCDB in July with broad direction for administrators. This presentation addressed administrative guidelines regarding the board’s policy.
The Dress Code Committee includes 10 students, five teachers, five principals, and district representatives. Parents on each high school Site Council were also involved and provided feedback. Each high school was represented on the committee, and the overall policy is expected to provide consistency among the five high schools. Participants believe the policy will help students express themselves in a positive way, show respect for different cultures and viewpoints, and provide consistent expectations.
In other business, the board:
- Approved a consent agenda including meeting minutes, financial and accounts payable reports, human resources report, several student trips, and science curriculum updates.
- Held an executive session to discuss employer-employee negotiations, and returned to the meeting to accept the negotiated agreement.
- Approved the annual expenditure for armored car services for Business and Finance. (general fund)
- Approved the purchase and installation of a secondary interior door lock/barricade system for more than 1,200 doors across the district. (2022 Bond)
- Approved a contract for completion of identified inspection issues and on-call repair services related to high school stage rigging. (2022 Bond and capital outlay)
- Approved the annual Microsoft licensing agreement renewal. (capital outlay)
- Approved the purchase of email security software. (capital outlay)
- Approved a contract to purchase safety and security system upgrades. (2022 Bond)
- Approved the purchase of laptops for a pilot program in preparation for the next staff device refresh. (2022 Bond)
- Approved the proposal to replace 10 original scoreboards for soccer, softball and baseball fields at the district athletic complexes. (2022 Bond)
- Approved proposals for playground equipment and surfacing upgrade projects at Arbor Creek, Clearwater Creek, Forest View, Madison Place and Scarborough elementary schools. (2022 Bond and capital outlay)
- Approved the proposal for architectural-engineering services for the new Operations Service Center and Career and Technical Center project at the Lindenwood Business Center. (2022 Bond)
- Approved trade bids for the new Santa Fe Trail Middle School. (2022 Bond)
- Approved proposals for aging facilities projects to take place during Winter Break 2022 and Summer Break 2023. (2022 Bond and capital outlay)
- Approved a permanent utility easement modification at the Lindenwood Business Center.
- Received information on future action items including a student trip, various bids, audited financial statements, curriculum revision, and legislative priorities for the 2023 session.
- Received the Head Start director’s monthly report.
- Received an update on 2022 Bond projects.
- Held an executive session to consult with its attorney.
The complete agenda is available by visiting the BoardDocs website.
November 2022 Board Recognitions