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12-16-20 — Mid-December 2020 Awards

Dec. 16, 2020

Olathe North Principal Receives Honor

Olathe North High School Principal Jason Herman was named High School Administrator of the Year by the Three Trails District of the National Speech and Debate Association (NSDA).

“It is an incredible honor to present this award to Jason,” Richard Belske, Olathe North forensics coach, said. “He has been a strong supporter of our program at both the state and national level, allowing our students to compete at the highest level. Without Jason’s constant support and care, we would not be the program we are today.”

Herman is a finalist for the NSDA National High School Administrator of the Year award.

Olathe South Administrator Receives Honor

Olathe South High School Assistant Principal and Athletic Director Matt Johnson was named the Kansas nominee to the Bruce D. Whitehead Distinguished Service Award from the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association.

“I am honored and humbled to have been selected for this recognition,” Johnson said. “There are so many excellent athletic directors in Kansas who have had a positive impact on the position I am in and the service to student-athletes that I provide.”

Olathe Students Thrive at Virtual Kansas Thespian Festival

Olathe East High School students were awarded at the Virtual Kansas Thespian Festival where 19 students qualified for the National Thespian Festival.

The Olathe East Thespian Troupe received the Gold Honor Troupe which is the highest award a thespian troupe can receive at the state level.

photo of Jason Herman and Matt Johnson