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12-4-20 — December 2020 Board Meeting Review
Dec. 4, 2020 ~ The Olathe Public Schools Board of Education met Dec. 3 to hear two presentations and act on a variety of issues.
Audit Presentation
Representatives from Allen, Gibbs & Houlik, L.C. presented their findings of the district’s 2020 audit. The auditors issued an unmodified opinion of the district’s financial statements, which is the highest level of opinion. In addition, the audit of the district’s federal funds expenditures resulted in no findings and an unmodified opinion as well.
Reopening Update
Assistant Superintendent for Learning Services Brent Yeager provided an update to the Board of Education about how inclement weather days will look during this school year. The district is planning for the potential of remote learning days on inclement weather days and staff are planning to provide meaningful learning opportunities for students during these days. Students at each level would participate in synchronous learning opportunities virtually in the morning and would be involved in asynchronous learning opportunities in the afternoon.
Superintendent John Allison provided an updated to board members on a variety of issues:
- Decisions about moving secondary students to remote learning were made based on the gating criteria.
- The superintendent provided an update on the variety of innovative ways the district is working to recruit and train substitute teachers. He also provided information about how emergency substitute licensing works.
- He also shared information that the Kansas Department of Health and Environment has announced they will be following the CDC guidelines for quarantine timeframes.
In other business, the board:
- Approved a consent agenda including meeting minutes; financial and accounts payable reports; human resources report; Head Start mission, goals and by-laws; curriculum for high school band coursework; annual renewal of Reading A-Z subscription; renewal of Follett Destiny library circulation license and support agreement; and 2021-22 district calendar.
- Approved the annual renewal of support and maintenance agreements for the district’s Cisco Systems and equipment. (capital outlay funding)
- Approved the annual renewal of KRONOS maintenance and support licensing. (capital outlay funding)
- Approved the annual licensing renewal for the district’s professional learning management system from Frontline Education. (capital outlay funding)
- Approved the on-call painting services contract with A.T. Switzer Co. (capital outlay and other funding sources)
- Approved the commission of an artist to design, create and install a bronze owl statue at Olathe West High School. (fundraising funds)
- Approved the purchase and installation of a bi-directional amplifier at Olathe South High School. (capital outlay funding)
- Approved trade bids for summer 2021 roofing projects at Heatherstone, Prairie Center and Rolling Ridge elementary schools; California Trail and Chisholm Trail middle schools; and Olathe North High School. (2016 Bond funds)
- Accepted trade bids for the Instructional Resource Center interior reconfiguration project. (capital outlay funding)
- Approved the renewal of an agreement with ThoughtExchange for an online survey tool. (grant funding)
- Approved the annual Microsoft licensing renewal. (capital outlay)
- Approved the audit reports for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2020. (general fund)
- Approved a permanent sanitary sewer easement from Johnson County Wastewater on district property at 95th Street and Monticello Road in Lenexa.
- Received information on future action items including a resolution to establish regular board meeting dates, a resolution to establish a meeting date to elect board officers, a possible meeting with representatives from the City of Olathe, a request from Evergy for an electrical easement at Olathe West High School, bids for the purchase of a CNC router for the Design Academy at Olathe East High School, and a student trip for the Olathe East orchestra.
- Received the Head Start director’s monthly written report.
- Received the fall parent-teacher conference totals.
The complete agenda is available by visiting the BoardDocs website.