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11-30-20 — December 2020 Board Meeting Preview

Nov. 30, 2020 ~ The Olathe Public Schools Board of Education will hold its regular monthly meeting at 6 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 3 in the Education Center, 14160 S. Black Bob Road, Olathe.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, all visitors to the building, including staff, must wear a face mask. A limited number of people will be admitted into the board room in order to maintain a distance of 6 feet between people. Meetings will be livestreamed because of the limited capacity. Viewers will be able to watch by visiting the district’s YouTube page.

Board members will hear a presentation from representatives of Allen, Gibbs & Houlik, L.C., the firm that conducted the district’s 2020 audit.

The second presentation to the board will be an update on learning plans.

The board will act on a consent agenda of routine items as well as several bids, contracts and agreements. The board will take action on the audit reports and a request for a sanitary sewer easement on district property near 95th Street and Monticello Road.

Board members will receive information on a handful of future action items, and receive two written reports.

Two executive sessions are planned: consult with district’s attorney, and discuss non-elected personnel.

The complete agenda is available by visiting the BoardDocs website.