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Dual-Language Program Enrollment Lottery
All families interested in the Olathe Public Schools Dual-Language Immersion Program must complete the online application. The online application will open March 1 and close on April 26. Applying online through the district immersion website is the only way to be entered into the lottery.
A lottery system is used to determine student placement in the Spanish Dual-Language Immersion Program at each of the two immersion schools, Black Bob and Manchester Park elementary schools.
Two separate lottery lists are established for each immersion school. One lottery list is established for students within the attendance area of the immersion school and one lottery list for students living outside the attendance area. The number of students chosen from each lottery list will be based on classroom enrollment numbers at each site. On the online application, parents must choose one of the two schools to be entered in the corresponding lottery.
Parents should complete the enrollment process and attend Kindergarten Roundup at their neighborhood school even if they plan to enter their child’s name in the lottery.
When the lottery window opens on March 1, a link to the application will become available on the district immersion program website. All students who have submitted applications by the April 26 deadline will be entered in the lottery. Applying early is not an advantage. Applications submitted after the April 26 deadline will be added to the bottom of the wait list.
In order to apply in the lottery, students must be eligible for enrollment in the Olathe Public Schools before the end of the lottery window.
Families will be notified the week after the application window closes if their child has been drawn in the lottery or added to the wait list. Students who are not chosen from the lottery will be put on the wait list. If space becomes available before the start of the school year, the family of the next student on the wait list will be contacted.
Those with questions should see additional information on the tabs to the left, or email Director of Language Acquisition Michael Flenthrope.
Upon applying to the lottery, parents agree to the following:
Choosing to enroll your child in a dual-language immersion program is an important decision. Research overwhelmingly shows that students of all backgrounds and abilities participating in dual-language immersion programs do as well or better than their peers academically over time (in addition to becoming bilingual). However, any individual student’s academic success is dependent on a range of factors, including individual capabilities and attitudes, parent and teacher support, and prior learning experiences. We believe that all students can be successful in the dual language immersion program, but it is important that families are committed to program goals and to working through any difficulties your child may face. We ask that you consider carefully whether the program is right for your child, and if you are unsure, discuss the decision with the program coordinator before enrolling in the lottery.
By signing below, I certify my understanding of and commitment to the following:
1. I will uphold program goals of Academic Success, Bilingualism and Biliteracy, Cross-Cultural Thoughtfulness, and Cooperative Problem Solving, and I will work with my child’s teacher to accomplish those goals.
2. I will read with my child for a minimum of 20 minutes daily, in the language(s) I know best. I understand that this is in addition to my child’s completion of daily homework as applicable.
3. I understand the core class instruction in math, social studies, and science is taught in Spanish and reinforced in English during the school day. Students will also receive English language arts during the day.
4. I understand attendance and punctuality are of key importance. I commit to having my child attend school regularly and on time, except for illness and family emergencies.
5. I will give positive reinforcement to my child and support teacher goals. I understand that children develop skills in both their first and second languages in different ways and at different rates, and it is not unusual for children to experience fatigue, tears, and/or frustration at times while learning a second language.
6. I understand that academic struggles are caused by many factors, and it is unlikely that placement in a Spanish immersion class is in itself inhibiting academic performance. I understand that once committing to the K-12 immersion program, withdrawal should be a last resort, as it may negatively impact my child’s progress and also leaves a spot in the dual language immersion program that could have been filled by another student. Once enrolled in the program, I will follow the process outlined below if I have concerns that lead me to consider withdrawing my child from the program.
a. I will speak with the child’s teacher and building principal about my concerns. Together, we will design a plan with clear goals and strategies to attempt to better meet the child’s needs.
b. If this plan does not appear to be working after the time designated in the plan, I will contact the child’s teacher, principal and program coordinator. Together, this group will identify possible options for class placement (both program and non-program) based on the child’s needs.
7. I understand that the district will not provide transportation for my child to attend if I live outside the attendance area of the immersion school.
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