Business Partnership Goals

  • Educational partnerships bridge the gap between the classroom and the world of work.  They connect schools, business, industry, and the community to bring quality educational opportunities to the district's students. Partnerships are a mutually beneficial alliance between public and private sectors designed to bring the community together in pursuit of common educational goals.

    Effective partnerships result from a commitment by the partners to plan and complete approved projects based on the school's goals and objectives. A spirit of involvement and mutual respect develops between schools, businesses and the community as they work together to achieve these goals.

    Business and industry partners help fulfill the Olathe Public Schools' purpose to "Prepare Students for their Future." Considering that 80 percent of graduating students will locate within a 50-mile radius of their home, business and industry's investment in Olathe students through partnerships will generate a high rate of return in future employees and continued economic growth for the community.

    Schools and the district are benefiting from the innovative partnerships created through this connection. More schools are seeking partners.

    Mission Statement

    To connect schools, businesses and the community to provide educational and career opportunities for Olathe students.

    Goals of the Educational Partnership Program

    • To expand and enrich learning opportunities.
    • To create and expand job opportunities for graduating students.
    • To expand and enrich learning opportunities for educators through externship experiences.
    • To expand and enrich learning opportunities for businesses through internship experiences with schools.
    • To foster a climate of involvement, interaction, and respect between schools, businesses and the community.
    • To create opportunities for businesses to enhance their community image.


Partnership Opportunities

  • Varied Partnerships

  • Adopt-a-School Partnership Resource

  • C.R.E.W.S. and A.C.C.E.S.S. Partnership Resource

  • Work-Based Learning Partnership Resource