Start and End Time FAQs

  • Will there be any changes made to before/after school care for elementary school students?

  • If neighboring school districts with three-tiered systems are experiencing bus driver shortages, how will this bell schedule change help us specifically?

  • If the district changed the start and end times to accommodate a three-tiered busing schedule, would the interventions put in place for the 2023-24 school year be removed?

  • What are some of the surrounding school district start and end times?

  • Would switching bus companies or staffing our own transportation help fix the issue?

  • Why is 7:40 a.m. to 2:40 p.m. the only start and end time option for high school?

  • Is there anything in the current contract with DS Bus Lines that requires the district to move to a three-tiered bus system?

  • How much money would the district save by switching to a three-tier bus system?

  • How will before- and after-school extracurriculars, activities and athletics be impacted?

  • My child does not use the bus for transportation. Will this still affect me?

  • Is the district considering other solutions outside of adjusting school start/end times?

  • Is the district considering a shift to a four-day school week?

  • What is a three-tier bus system?

  • Would changing school start/end times for a three-tier bus system impact staff contract time?

  • Are these transportation challenges temporary?

  • Will there be childcare options before and after school, including JCPRD, for families who need those services if the bell schedules change?

  • Are we the only district having to look at making changes? What are other districts doing to address these challenges?

  • Are there any transportation challenges unique to Olathe Public Schools?

  • How can I become a bus driver to help with the shortage?

  • What steps has the district already taken to address transportation challenges?