Brandi (Wright) Leggett - Honored in 2021

  • photo of Brandi LeggettOlathe North High School Class of 1998

    (Jan. 15, 1980 —          )

    Communication is one key to Brandi’s success as an educator. It started when she created the Power of the Pen writing project for students in her first teaching assignment in Pennsylvania and continues today in her role as principal of Central Elementary School.  Implementing the Darren Sproles Essay Contest at Central is one way she teaches students the power of good writing. Combining strong leadership qualities exhibited as a young student with her in-depth knowledge of education, Brandi has authored articles in various professional journals, provided training workshops for teachers, and co-presented to members of the Kansas House and Senate educational committees. She’s also presented to the Kansas State Board of Education on multiple topics. This resourceful and compassionate educator was a finalist for the Kansas Teacher of the Year award, received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching, and earned certification from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. Colleagues consider Brandi a good team builder with a strong work ethic who works hard to maintain a one-on-one relationship with her students, even while serving on leadership teams at the state and national levels.