Frequently Asked Questions about the Academies

  • What are 21st Century Academies?

  • Who can be in a 21st Century Academy?

  • Why did Olathe create the 21st Century High School Academies?

  • What are the steps for enrolling in an academy?

  • When should a student apply for a 21st Century Academy?

  • If a student participates in a four-year 21st Century Academy at a high school other than their home high school, does that become his/her home high school, even if he/she lives in another attendance area?

  • Is transportation to a 21st Century Academy provided?

  • How many students are in each academy?

  • How is athletic eligibility affected by changing high schools?

  • What if my student accepts the invitation to an academy but changes their mind before school begins in the fall?

  • What if my student changes his/her mind after beginning the school year at their academy high school?

  • What happens to a transfer student's athletic eligibility if they withdraw from an academy and return to their home high school?

  • What is an endorsement?

  • What is CTE and how is it related to Academies?

  • What is a CTE Completer?

  • What is a CTE Scholar?

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