Career Pathways and Academies

  • The 21st Century Academies are part of Olathe Public Schools high school Career Pathways.

    • Learn about the Career Pathways options available to explore as a student in high school at Olathe Public Schools. Students can explore a variety of options, including 21st Century Academies, Career and Career Pathways GraphicTechnical Education (CTE) Pathways, Performing and Visual Arts, and advanced technical programs at Olathe Advanced Technical Center (OATC).
    • Please visit the Olathe Public Schools Career Pathways website for more information.
    • Additionally, families may explore a Career Pathways Options interactive site with videos, photos and information about all options available in Olathe Public Schools. Career Pathway High School Options

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Career Pathways

  • The Olathe Public Schools offers 15 unique and innovative 21st Century Academies for high school students. These academies are housed within the district’s five high schools. These innovative, four-year programs allow students to build upon their interests and learn specific knowledge and skills they can apply toward their post-secondary experiences and career fields. The district has a long history of innovative 21st Century Academies dating back to 2003.

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    See How Innovative Your High School Education Can Be!

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    • Business Finance Academy (accounting and wealth management)

    Distinguished Scholars

    • Distinguished Scholars Academy (language arts, math, political science, science, visual arts)

    Engineering, Design and Production

    • BioMedical Engineering Academy (engineering global health solutions)
    • Design Academy (products, architecture and more)
    • Engineering Academy (real world solutions through engineering design)
    • Green Tech Academy (energy and sustainability)

    Human Health Services

    • BioMedical Engineering Academy (engineering solutions for health care needs)
    • Medical Professions Academy (genetics, research, human healthcare)
    • Sports Medicine and Exercise Science Academy

    Media, Communications and Technology

    • Computer Science Academy (programming, problem solving, cybersecurity)
    • e-Communication Academy (animation, graphic design, video, web)

    Public and Human Services

    • Civic Leadership Academy (legal studies and public administration)
    • Future Educators Academy
    • Public Safety Academy (law enforcement and fire rescue)


    • Animal Health Academy (conservation, veterinary medicine, research)
    • Geoscience Academy (earth, ocean, space and the environment)
    • Green Tech Academy (energy and sustainability)


Kansas Careers: Fields, Clusters, Pathways

  • Ten of our 15 Academies have a Career and Technical Education pathway embedded in them. This means that when a student completes the requirements of their academy, they will also have completed the coursework necessary to achieve "Completer Status" in a CTE Pathway.

    • Career and Technical Education high school pathways are available at all five high schools.
    • Career and Technical Education pathways at the Olathe Advanced Technical Center (OATC) are two-year, half-day programs for juniors and seniors.
    • 21st Century Academies are four-year transfer programs available at select high school locations.
    • 21st Century Academies with Career and Technical Education pathways are aligned to CTE pathway standards, and are transfer programs available at select high school locations.

    Lea el documento PDF de Kansas Career Fields, Clusters, Pathways

    Click on the image below to see a larger version

    graphic showing career fields, clusters and pathways

High School Career Pathways in Olathe Public Schools

Ten of our 15 Academies have a CTE pathway embedded in them. This means the courses required to "Endorse" in an academy are the same courses that may earn you "Completer Status" in that Career and Technical Education Pathway.
Career Pathway 21st Century Academy Career & Tech OATC
Animal Health Academy Yes
Animal Science and Research Yes Yes
Auto Collision Yes Yes
Auto Technology Yes Yes
BioMedical Engineering Academy Yes
Business Finance Academy Yes Yes
Business Management Yes
Civic Leadership Academy Yes Yes
Computer Science Academy Yes Yes
Construction and Design Yes
Construction Trades Yes Yes
Culinary Arts Yes Yes
Design Academy Yes Yes
Digital Media Yes
Distinguished Scholars Academy - English Yes
Distinguished Scholars Academy - Math Yes
Distinguished Scholars Academy - Political Science Yes
Distinguished Scholars Academy - Science Yes
Distinguished Scholars Academy - Visual Arts Yes
e-Communication Academy Yes Yes
Electronics & Avionics Yes Yes
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Yes Yes
Engineering Academy Yes Yes
Family, Community and Consumer Services Yes
Fashion, Apparel and Interior Design Yes
Fine Arts - Performing
Fine Arts - Visual
Future Educators Academy Yes Yes
Geoscience Academy Yes
Graphic Design Yes
Green Tech Academy Yes Yes
Healthcare and EMS Yes Yes
Healthcare science Yes Yes
Marketing Yes
Medical Professions Academy Yes
Pilot Training Yes Yes
Programming and Software Development Yes
Public Safety Academy Yes Yes
Restaurant and Event Management Yes
Sports Medicine and Exercise Science Academy Yes Yes
Web and Digital Communications Yes
Welding Technology Yes Yes