How Should I Prepare for My Interview?

  • The interview is an important part of the application process.

    • A parent/guardian should be present at the interview. This validates support of the student's application.
      • Some Academies will include the parent(s) in the interview room.
      • Some Academies will ask the parent(s) to wait outside the room.
    • In-person interviews are preferred, but virtual/video interviews may be utilized.

    Note: if a parent cannot get off work to attend an interview in-person, we can make accommodations with the use of video/phone call. Please contact the Academy Facilitator and/or your Middle School Counselor.

    Interview Sign-up Information

    • Each Academy sends out their own interview sign-up information and dates.
    • Sign-up information will be sent out by each individual academy no later than three days before winter break.
      • The information will be sent to all the emails in the application.

    Here are some tips to prepare:

    21st Century Academies logo

    Dress Professionally

    • A pair of slacks and a nice shirt is appropriate for anyone.
    • Pick out your outfit ahead of time to reduce stress on the day of the interview.
    • If you are in need of an outfit, check with your Middle School counselor as they may have clothes with options available or they can help you find something to wear.


    • If your middle school has mock interviews, sign up for them.
    • Practice answering your essay questions verbally.
    • Be able to speak about your area of interest with passion and excitement.
    • Be able to speak about any experiences you have had or how you became interested in the content of the Academy.

    Interview the Academy

    • The interview is not just about the academy interviewing the student. It is also about the student interviewing the academy to see if it is a good fit for the student.
    • Prepare questions for the academy staff regarding how the academy will benefit you and prepare you for your future.