Things To Know About Moodle

  • This is a long page, but you MUST know this information to work in Moodle. Please read the entire page thoroughly.

    Finding Your Moodle Course

    When you watched the Orientation video you were told how to log in to Moodle. The last page of the Orientation gives you the link to your Moodle.

    If you struggle with the Moodle login, read this document How To Log Into Moodle.

    If your Moodle login is not working, your network password has expired and should be reset while on the district network at a district building. Your new network password will then work for Moodle, student Google Mail, ClassLink, StudentVue, and other accounts. You CANNOT reset your password from the Moodle page. Click here for instructions to reset your network password.


    Moodle works fine in Chrome or Firefox on a PC. On an Apple computer, Moodle should work fine in Safari. You can also install and use Firefox on an Apple computer. Never use Internet Explorer or Edge, as you are very likely to encounter issues. So just... don't! Click here for help installing browsers.

    Keeping Organized

    To keep organized, create a folder for the class you are taking, and inside that create subfolders for each topic or chapter. Do this on a flash drive or on your computer somewhere so that it won’t be deleted. Then save all assignments in the proper folders in an organized manner. This will help you locate completed assignments when you browse to attach them for grading.

    There are usually two ways that assignments are given in Moodle. Either there are files attached to the assignment for you to download and complete or you are required to create your own Word document to complete the assignment. Follow the instructions in your course on how to save files on your computer and include your name in the file name to identify it as yours. Example: lastname_ch1_reading.docx (docx, ppt, etc.)

    Please keep all of your assignments until the end of the course. You may be able to redo an assignment, or need the assignments to help you study for the final.

    Opening Documents in Your Course

    To open documents in Moodle (and anywhere really), never just click the link. Instead, right-click and save the document to your computer — wherever you organize your files. Documents will generally be Word documents, PDFs, or PowerPoints, although there are a few other file types.

    Once the file is downloaded, you can go to the location it was saved and double-click the document and it should open in the correct application. Word docs should open in Word; PDFs should open in Adobe; etc. If your files are not opening in the correct application, get help from your school's student Help Desk.

    We have discovered that some high school student devices may not include a local installation of Office software. We recommend that you not use Office in the cloud through a browser. If you do not have Office software installed, click here for help with Office software.

    Opening The Textbook in Your Course

    If your course has a textbook, there is probably a PDF of the text in your course which will open in Adobe Reader. Your computer should have Adobe Reader installed. Click here for help with Adobe.

    Texts are stored in a district cloud drive that is protected from the general public. Right-click and choose to open the link in a new tab or window, or save the PDF file to your computer and access the file from its saved location. If you get an error that says you do not have access, open another tab and log into your OneDrive. Then go back to your text link and the link should work.

    Steps To Submit An Assignment Attachment (Document) In Moodle

    • Be sure to close the completed assignment file before submitting it. Never try to attach a file that is still open on your computer.
    • Pay attention to your teacher's instructions. Some teachers will need you to turn in your assignment as a Word document (.docx) and some teachers will want you to Save As... and choose PDF so you can submit your assignment as a PDF (.pdf) document. Again, follow your teacher's instructions.
    • In the assignment area, click on the Add submission button. You can drag and drop your file, OR in the Upload a File box click on Add and the File Picker window will appear.
    • On the left side of the File Picker, click Upload a File to highlight it blue, if it’s not already. Click on Browse.
    • Browse to where you saved the assignment on your computer. Your file must be on your computer, not in your OneDrive. Click on your file and click Open to select it. Back in the File Picker, click on Upload the File. (Do not type anything in the “save as” box; ignore the Choose License.) The file you chose will appear in the Upload a file box.
    • You can also add a comment for your teacher under Submission Comments. Click on Comments and a box will appear that you can type in. Click on Save Changes to submit your assignment.
    • If you notice that you submitted the wrong file, you can change it by clicking on Remove Submission and then follow the steps above to select the correct file. If you want to make a change to your submission, click on edit submissions to add another file if allowed, or replace a file.

    In-Line Assignment Responses

    Instead of submitting an attachment, you might be given the option to type your assignment in a box that acts like a word processing application. You can either type directly in the box or copy and paste from a Word document you created earlier. When you have finished, you will click on Save Changes to submit your assignment. The Edit Submissions button will reopen the answer text box if you need to make any changes.

    The Moodle Gradebook

    The Moodle gradebook is where you will find assignment grades and teacher feedback (with only a couple of exceptions, if indicated in your course). Your grades do not show up in StudentVue or ParentVue. Parents can see a student's grades in Moodle by having the student log in and click on Grades, then look at the gradebook together. Most courses use continuous semester grading. Some of the quarter classes will average two quarter grades to obtain the semester grade. The course syllabus and your teacher can help clarify any grading questions you have.

    Computer Troubleshooting

    If Moodle is not running correctly in your browser, you might try the following:

    • Try another computer at home or school and see if you can duplicate the problem.
    • Moodle does not run best in Internet Explorer or Edge. We recommend Firefox (or Google) which can be downloaded and installed for free.  At the top of this page in the blue menu bar you can click the link for Technical Support for more help.

    One of these solutions will fix about 98% of the computer issues students have. Be sure to report unresolved issues to the student Help Desk so they can be addressed if needed.

    Check Out Moodle

    Take a look at your class, read the announcements, see who your teacher is, find the syllabus and calendar of due dates, and see if you have any questions you might want to ask in your Zoom class startup meeting with your teacher. It is very important that you know and understand Moodle as this is the learning management system for assignments and teacher feedback (with only a couple of exceptions). Also, there are hundreds of Moodle sites across the world, so it is important that you always go to the correct Moodle.


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