The eAcademy Course Catalog

  • eAcademy offers a variety of courses to OPS students in grades 9-12, as shown below in the course list, contingent upon student enrollment and instructor availability. Tuition is free during the spring and fall semesters; there is a fee for summer courses. Students must meet any prerequisite requirements listed in the High School Program Planning Guide to enroll in offered courses. For course content and prerequisite information, click here to view the High School PPG.

    The table below shows which courses will be offered in the fall, spring, and summer (Yes or No). Offer does not guarantee the course will run; we must meet the minimum enrollment requirements to run each course. The spring course list changes based on which courses run in the fall semester, so watch for updates. We are usually able to run more courses in the summer. See the Summer eAcademy page for summer information.

    More information about how courses work is available in the Expectations channel. Click here to learn more about course structure.

    Course Load:

    • School Year: Students enrolled in a full seven-period school schedule are allowed to take one additional .50-credit eAcademy course in the fall or spring semester.
    • Summer: Summer students may, after working with their counselor, consider taking two .50-credit courses. However, the work load is very intense, and many students have not been successful. The summer session page has more information about course workload. Click here to see the summer page.

    Course Drops:

    • School Year: Students may drop a school-year online course if they are unable to keep up with the workload required, but drops should be completed by mid-semester and are not allowed in the final weeks of the semester. If students are unsuccessful with school-year enrollment, they may either take the dropped course in the regular classroom or online during the summer session. Additional school-year attempts are not allowed.
    • Summer: Students may drop a summer course at any time during the summer session, but there is no fee refund after the first day of the session.

Courses Offered

  • Not all courses are offered each term. The following table shows our courses and our three semester terms. Each course is marked Yes or No within each term to indicate if the course is even offered. Then, a minimum enrollment of five is required to run the course. When there are five, "-Yes" is added to indicate that the course will run. Find the column for the term you wish to take a course, look to see if the course you want is offered, then watch to see if the minimum enrollment is acquired so the course can run. So, "Yes" means the course is offered, and "Yes-Yes" means the offered course will run.

Course Credit Fall-24 Spring-25 Summer-24
Art History .50 Yes Yes Yes-Yes
History of Film .50 Yes Yes Yes-Yes
English 12B: College Prep .50 Yes No Yes-Yes
Health .50 Yes-Yes Yes-Yes Yes-Yes
PE Concepts .50 Yes-Yes Yes-Yes Yes-Yes
Financial Literacy .50 Yes Yes Yes-Yes
Intro to Psychology .50 Yes Yes Yes-Yes
US Government .50 Yes Yes Yes-Yes
US History A .50 Yes No Yes-Yes
US History B .50 No Yes Yes-Yes
Human Geography .50 Yes No Yes-Yes

Online Enrollment Form (requires counselor permission)

  • After the student works with their counselor on their four-year plan and is given enrollment permission, the student may enroll using the link below. The counselor's permission code is required to complete the enrollment form.

    NOTE: When an enrollment is submitted, the webpage simply changes to a new screen. You will not get a confirmation email or any sort of instructions from eAcademy until about a week before courses begin. If the screen changes, your enrollment went through. If not, please correct any errors and click the Done button again. These instructions are also found at the bottom of the enrollment form.

    Are you a parent/guardian? eAcademy courses require student skills of self-advocacy and self-reliance. We can build those skills by having the student enroll (with parental assistance if needed). Please allow your student to complete the enrollment form with their district issued laptop.

    Student, will you be traveling outside the United States during your course?