- Human Resources
- Forms and Leave Requests
Short Term Leave Requests Workflow
Follow the instructions below to request bereavement days, personal days, or grandparent leave. OnBase works best with the Chrome browser. This site can be accessed from any home or work computer.
Steps to request a leave day:
- Visit the OnBase login webpage to go to the OnBase workflow.
- If prompted about a popup blocker, either add the https://onbase.olatheschools.com webpage to your browser’s allowed websites or
- Disable the popup blocker for this site by clicking on the popup icon on the top right hand of your screen.
- Login with district credentials (full district email address and password).
- On the top left side of the screen, click the three lines for the drop down menu and select New Form.
- Choose the appropriate form: Bereavement Leave, Certified Personal Leave Request, Classified Personal Leave Request, or Grandparent Leave.
- Complete all required information and submit the form.
The Daily Leave Process PDF guides employees and administrators through the steps and responsibilities of requesting a daily leave.
- Visit the OnBase login webpage to go to the OnBase workflow.
When to Submit through the Workflow
- Certified Employees
- PTO Leave Request
- Any certified PTO leave request that involves an absence of four (4) or more days, a blackout day, or if the request exceeds the PTO accrual balance. This leave must be approved by your principal/supervisor first.
- Bereavement Leave Request
- All certified staff requesting bereavement leave for immediate family members are given five (5) non-charged days per school year. As defined by the Board of Education Policy, immediate family members include spouse, children, parents, grandparents, grandchildren, brothers, and sisters as well as the parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters of the employee's spouse. All other bereavement leave requests are entered into Oracle Absence as PTO or sick leave.
- Grandparent Leave Request
- All certified staff requesting grandparent leave may take up to five days per school year within the first three weeks of the baby's birth or adoption. This leave will be pulled first from your PTO, then sick days for the remaining time left in the Grandparent Leave request.
- PTO Leave Request
- Classified Employees
- Bereavement Leave Request
- All classified staff receive the following bereavement leave:
- Five (5) non-charged days per immediate family member loss. As defined by the Board of Education Policy, immediate family members include spouse, children, parents, grandparents, grandchildren, brothers and sisters, as well as the parents, grandparents, grandchildren, brothers and sisters of the employees' spouse.
- Three (3) non-charged days per extended family member loss. As defined by the Board of Education Policy, extended family members include aunts, uncles, cousins, as well as the aunts, uncles and cousins of the employees' spouse.
- All other bereavement leave requests are entered into Oracle Absence as PTO or sick leave.
- Grandparent Leave Request
- All classified staff requesting Grandparent Leave may take up to five (5) days per school year within the first three weeks of the baby's birth or adoption. This leave will be pulled first from your PTO, then sick days for the remaining time left in the Grandparent Leave request.
- Bereavement Leave Request
- Certified Employees
Name Change
Olathe Public Schools Name Change Process:
*Please note: this process will not be approved until the employee uploads an updated social security card to Oracle, per the instructions below.
1. Once you have received your updated social security card with your new name, please go to Oracle.
2. Click on the "Me" tab> "Document Records" > "Add". Click on the drop-down arrow for "Document Type" and select: "Proof of Name Change". Attach the updated social security card with our new name on it. Please be sure the document is in color. Then click the "Done" button in the upper right corner.
3. Once that step is complete, go to the "Me" tab again and click on "Personal Details". Click on the "Name" section and then click on the pencil icon in the right hand side of the box. Update the information accordingly. Once the information is updated, attach a copy of the updated social security card in the "Attachments" box. This step must be completed before you submit. Once that is done, click on the "Submit" button in the upper right corner of the "Name" section.
4. Once these steps are complete, the Human Resources Department will automatically receive the request. The information will then be reviewed for approval. If it is rejected due to insufficient information, you will be notified.
5. If the request is approved, a new ID badge with the updated name change will be printed and sent to you via inter-district mail.
If you have any questions, please reach our to one of our HR Team Members:
Classified Staff:
Elsa Aguilar Rubalcava: egaguilarrubalcava@olatheschools.org or Chris Nigh: cnighec@olatheschools.org
Certified Staff:
Jennifer Bodenmiller: jbodenmillerec@olatheschools.org or Hayden Cain: hdcain@olatheschools.org
Address or Phone Number Change
Employees may change their address or phone number on the Oracle Self Service site
The district sends all address changes to the benefit insurance providers, EXCEPT for UMB Bank for the Health Savings Accounts (HSA).
Direct Deposit Change
To make changes to your direct deposit information, please go to Employee Online. From the drop down menu, choose Forms, then Payroll Forms. Print off the form titled Automatic Payroll Deposit - Authorization Agreement Additional Banks, complete, and send to Payroll at the Education Center.
Additional Human Resources Forms
Additional Payroll Forms
A variety of forms are available on the Payroll website, which includes:
- Compensation Extension (Spread) Request
- Direct Deposit
- W-4
- K-4