- Human Resources
- Supplemental Job Descriptions
Supplemental Job Descriptions
A wide variety of supplemental jobs are available in the Olathe Public Schools. This page outlines the district's minimum expectations for these extra-curricular academic support positions.
All Grade Levels
Building Staff Development Council Representative
The Staff Development Council (SDC) for Olathe District Schools is a representative group of staff members — teachers, support staff, administrators, and classified personnel — who advise the superintendent and the local Board of Education in matters concerning the coordination, implementation, and operation of Olathe’s Professional Development Program for licensed / certified and classified staff.
Position is a one-year assignment as appointed by the principal.
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Maintain a professional attitude in all situations
- Serve as a member of and/or liaison to the Building Leadership Team (BLT)
- Fulfill KSDE regulatory requirements for professional development councils (PDCs):
- Develop and review annually the Olathe Professional Development Plan, making adjustments as needed
- Review and evaluate Professional Development Plans at the district, building, and individual levels
- Participate annually in training for PDC members provided by KSDE-trained Olathe staff
- Attend SDC meetings (minimum of five scheduled annually)
- Approve individual professional development plans and logs (knowledge, application, and impact points) for building staff
- Generate and approve building professional development proposals and record attendance for building staff
- Communicate professional development procedures to building staff
- Reporting at faculty meetings
- Posting minutes and information
- Distributing forms (electronically and/or hard copies)
- Serving as a resource to building participants
- Serve on subcommittees as needed
- Each academic year $400 as a minimum (25 hours at $15) and anything above that could be petitioned at $15 an hour to the BLT (minimally one position per school; can be shared)
- Taken from current BLT Academic Stipend allocation; no new money
Children's Honor Choir
Positions are a one-year assignment. The Children’s Honor Choir consists of several positions, with duties and responsibilities outlined. Interested teachers apply and are selected by a committee consisting facilitated by the fine arts coordinator.
General Expectations
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Fulfill roles and responsibilities as directed by district guidelines, including, but not limited to, adherence to district guidelines for fundraising, field trips, money management, credit card use and transportation (buses, rental vehicles and school/district owned vehicles), etc.
Head Director
- Lesson and rehearsal planning and preparation
- Repertoire selection
- Direct instruction (15-20 hours)
- Run sectionals as needed
- Assign tasks for weekly rehearsals
- Create rehearsal schedule
- Parent communication — initial and prior to concert
- Learn and prepare accompaniments
- Attend all rehearsals and performances
- Order music and arrange for storage
- Create and transport music folders
- Room set up and clean up
Assistant Director
- Assist with repertoire selection
- Direct instruction (15-20 hours)
- Attend all rehearsals and performance
- Learn and prepare accompaniments
- Run sectionals as needed
- Design and print program
- Create seating chart and riser chart
- Secure extra musicians when required for a piece and arrange for payment
- Room set up
- Supervise dismissal
- Learn and prepare accompaniments
- Attend all rehearsals and performances
- Assist with sectionals as needed
- Room set up and clean up
Choir Manager
- Take attendance at rehearsals and concerts
- Coordinate T-shirt ordering and distribution
- Parent communication
- Weekly handouts and reminders as needed
- Calendar distribution
- Assist with managing student behavior
- Assist with sectionals as needed
- Attend all rehearsals and performances
- Coordinate perf. venue, sound, ushers, etc.
- Attend to emergencies as needed
- Room set up and clean up
Assistant Choir Manager
- Assist with taking attendance at rehearsals and concerts
- Assist with T-shirt ordering and distribution
- Create student name tags to assist with seating
- Assist with room set up
- Assist with managing student behavior
- Attend to emergencies as needed
- Attend all rehearsals and performances
- Assist with sectionals as needed
- Supervise dismissal and wait with students for late pick up
Elementary Supplemental Job Descriptions
BLT Chair — Elementary
This position is expected to meet with the building principal on a regular basis to collaborate on the creation and implementation of the staff development plan. This position is a temporary leadership role within the elementary school that will be evaluated each school year but will not exceed three continuous years and can be split between two staff members. This position is part of the Building Leadership Team and reports to the elementary school principal.
- Meet on a regular basis with principal (prior to meetings PD, projects) to collaborate in partnership on the creation and implementation of the agenda for BLT/Staff meetings.
- Write and share meeting minutes with staff.
- Establish communication with PLCs for topics that pertain to SIP.
- Help survey staff for staff development needs.
- Chair collaborates with principal on data and needs for professional development (this could include planning for special topics meetings).
- Chair facilitates the development of the school staff development plan.
- Collaborate with coordination of presenters to support PD related to SIP with final approval from the principal.
- Consulting with Specials, SPED, ELL, Title I and nurse to make sure professional development is relevant to all.
- Manage paperwork and SIP and continual review of SIP.
- Attend training opportunities for chairs (district will provide this leadership development).
- Additional duties might be delegated such as project manager for KansasSTAR.
- Collaborate with principal to oversee data management (MAP, Panorama, Kansas Assessments, Mastery Connect).
- Perform other duties as assigned.
Cool Science Investigations Sponsor — Elementary
Position is a one-year assignment as appointed by the principal.
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Fulfill applicable roles and responsibilities as directed by the school’s administration including, but not limited to, adherence to district guidelines for fundraising, field trips, money management, credit card use and transportation (buses, rental vehicles and school/district owned vehicles)
- Teach in a positive and constructive manner
- Maintain a professional attitude in all situations
- Comply with and communicate to participants/parents all USD #233 Board policies, including the fact that the Student Code of Conduct is in effect during and at all club activities
- Register with the district CSI: Olathe facilitator and participate in the three CSI sessions offered throughout the school year (or participate in 1 or 2 sessions with pro-rated contract)
- During each CSI session, prepare and deliver a weekly lesson from the district provided
CSI: Olathe activity notebook. There are seven one-hour lessons.
- Communicate with district CSI: Olathe
- Attend CSI session trainings throughout the school year. At trainings, CSI materials will be distributed.
- At the end of each session, CSI materials must be returned in proper
- CSI: Olathe is open to grades 4-5. Activity kits are prepared for up to 24
- Invite all students to participate in CSI: Olathe. Prepare student information (location, time, dates, etc.) about sessions scheduled for the school
- Communicate pertinent information with parents/guardians on an on-going basis throughout the selected
- Complete tagging request forms and submit to building
- Consider participating in interschool competitions and culminating
Math Club Sponsor — Elementary
Position is a one-year assignment as appointed by the principal.
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Fulfill applicable roles and responsibilities as directed by the school’s administration including, but not limited to, adherence to district guidelines for fundraising, field trips, money management, credit card use and transportation (buses, rental vehicles and school/district owned vehicles)
- Teach in a positive and constructive manner
- Maintain a professional attitude in all situations
- Comply with and communicate to participants/parents all USD #233 Board policies, including the fact that the Student Code of Conduct is in effect during and at all club activities
- Study and prepare weekly lessons from the district provided Math Wings “Math Olympiad Books” in order to teach major strategies for problem solving, foster flexibility in solving problems, introduce mathematical concepts, and to stimulate enthusiasm and love of mathematics
- Attend and collaborate with district Math Wings facilitator at meetings as needed
- Invite all fourth- and fifth-grade students to participate in an after-school acceleration math club called Math Wings
- Prepare student information (location, time, dates, etc.) about sessions scheduled for the school year
- Communicate with parents/guardians on an on-going basis throughout the year with written or oral reports
- Complete tagging request forms and submit to the building operator within two weeks of start of activity
- Share competition rules and rules of the Math Wings club with parents (attendance, etc.)
- Inform parents of regional and district competition dates
- Assist with regional or district Mathletics contests as needed
- Participate in all regional competitions and district competition if students advance to this next level
- More information about this position is available from the Director of Elementary Education.
Middle School Supplemental Job Descriptions
Assistant Coach — Middle School
Position is a one-year assignment as appointed by the principal.
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Fulfill applicable roles and responsibilities as directed by the school’s administration and head coach including, but not limited to, adherence to district guidelines for fundraising, trips, money management, honoring of contracts, credit card use and transportation (buses, rental vehicles and school/district owned vehicles)
- Work with the head coach to conduct a pre-season meeting with parents in order to communicate all important information including, but not limited to, expectations/criteria for participation, sportsmanship guidelines, practice and game schedules, district guidelines for transportation, insurance, handling of injuries including concussions, parent-coach communication, substance abuse guidelines, lettering guidelines and the information in the aforementioned bullet. Provide this information to all participants and the school administration
- Teach and coach in a positive and constructive manner. Adhere to best practice with regards to coaching middle-level students
- Maintain a professional attitude in all situations and adhere to the district’s guiding principles for coaches
- Comply with and communicate to participants/parents all USD #233 Board policies, including the fact that the Student Code of Conduct is in effect during and at all activities
- Ensure all team members understand the dangers associated with hazing and ensure that no initiation or hazing activities take place
- Provide an environment that promotes good sportsmanship
- Monitor the safety of equipment, playing surfaces, and performance environments
- Understand and implement the duties of any coach including, but not limited to, maintaining detailed practice plans, never leaving athletes unsupervised, providing detailed and repeated instruction with regards to the performance of high-risk activities, adhering to the district’s lightning and hot weather guidelines, and the evaluation of injuries and lack of physical conditioning
- Comply with all KSHSAA and USD #233 rules and regulations including, but not limited to, participant eligibility, required physical examinations, district substance abuse policy, and other KSHSAA Handbook guidelines
Building Level Team Chair — Middle School
Position is a one-year assignment as appointed by the principal.
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Fulfill roles and responsibilities as directed by the school’s administration and district personnel
- Inform the staff members of the BLT process and expectations
- Work with the BLT on the School Improvement Plan
- Monitor and report the progress of the faculty on implementing the School Improvement Plan
- Update the School Improvement Plan
- Work with the school’s administration to complete the Staff Development Plan for the district (in-service plans, documentation, and feedback)
- Work with the school’s administration to monitor and change the Staff Development Plan as necessary
- Schedule and Plan BLT meetings (time, location, and agenda)
- Attend District level BLT meetings
- Facilitate reaching consensus among BLT members on determining the distribution of the BLT Service Fund stipends
- Maintain a professional attitude in all situations
Building Teacher Leader — Middle School
This position is a one-year assignment as appointed by the principal.
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Fulfill roles and responsibilities as directed by the school’s administration and district personnel
- Provide instructional leadership under the supervision of the building administrator
- Promote effective teaching strategies, best practices, and the school improvement plan
- Provide leadership for professional learning communities (time, agenda, location)
- Promote alignment of subject teaching area with district curriculum
- Building Level Team collaboration
- Assist with development and monitoring of the implementation of School Improvement Plan
- Participate in the development, completion, and implementation of the annual Staff Development Plan
- Promote continuous improvement of the instructional program
- Provide communication between the administration and teaching staff
- Assist with instructional management tasks
- Serve as a liaison with the district for curriculum and instruction matters
- Assessment leadership and implementation
- Attend district-level BLT meetings
- Maintain a professional attitude in all situations
Cross Country Coach — Middle School
Position is a one-year assignment as appointed by the principal.
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Fulfill applicable roles and responsibilities as directed by the school’s administration including, but not limited to, adherence to district guidelines for fundraising, trips, money management, honoring of contracts, credit card use and transportation (buses, rental vehicles and school/district owned vehicles)
- Provide cross country opportunities for all grade levels under the supervision of the building administrator
- Maintain an environment of good sportsmanship
- Monitor the safety of all participants
- Promote student involvement, health, and wellness
- Ensure all participants understand the dangers associated with hazing and ensure that no initiation or hazing activities take place
- Teach and coach in a positive and constructive manner. Adhere to best practices with regards to coaching middle-level students
- Maintain a professional attitude in all situations and adhere to the Guiding Principles of the district
- Communicate to parents, students, and school administration the programs expectations and goals including USD 233 Board policies, including the fact that the Student Code of Conduct is in effect during and after all activities
- Provide, if appropriate, to students, parents, and the school administration schedule of events (practice/contests), insurance, handling of injuries including concussions, parent-coach communication, substance abuse guidelines, and potential outcomes
- Provide tagging information to school personnel on a timely basis
- Season Specifics
- Teams for boys and girls
- One coach for each team
- Six-week season to be offered in the fall
- Practice Monday through Thursday, one hour in duration
- Up to three meets scheduled during the season
- Season start date and meet dates will be determined annually
- Course distances will align with KSHSAA and KSDE guidelines.
Head Coach — Middle School
Position is a one-year assignment as appointed by the principal.
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Fulfill roles and responsibilities as directed by the school’s administration including, but not limited to, adherence to district guidelines for fundraising, trips, money management, honoring of contracts, credit card use and transportation (buses, rental vehicles and school/district owned vehicles)
- Conduct a pre-season meeting with parents in order to communicate all important information including, but not limited to, expectations/criteria for participation, sportsmanship guidelines, practice and game schedules, district guidelines for transportation, insurance, handling of injuries including concussions, parent-coach communication, substance abuse guidelines, and the information in the aforementioned bullet. Provide this information to all participants and the school administration
- Teach and coach in a positive and constructive manner. Adhere to best practice with regard to coaching middle-level students
- Maintain a professional attitude in all situations and adhere to the district’s guiding principles for coaches
- Provide an environment that promotes good sportsmanship
- Comply with and communicate to participants/parents all USD #233 Board policies, including the fact that the Student Code of Conduct is in effect during and at all activities
- Ensure all team members understand the dangers associated with hazing and ensure that no initiation or hazing activities take place
- Delegate roles and responsibilities to assistants
- Monitor the safety of equipment, playing surfaces, and performance environments
- Maintain an inventory of equipment and submit order request as needed
- Understand and implement the duties of any coach including, but not limited to, maintaining detailed practice plans, never leaving athletes unsupervised, providing detailed and repeated instruction with regards to the performance of high-risk activities, adhering to the district’s lightning and hot weather guidelines, and the evaluation of injuries and lack of physical conditioning
- Comply with all KSHSAA and USD #233 rules and regulations including, but not limited to, participant eligibility, required physical examinations, rules meeting attendance, rules test requirements, timely completion of all KSHSAA paperwork, district substance abuse policy, and other KSHSAA Handbook guidelines
- Provide tagging information to school personnel on a timely basis
KSHSAA Activity Sponsor — Middle School
Position is a one-year assignment as appointed by the principal.
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Fulfill roles and responsibilities as directed by the school’s administration including, but not limited to, adherence to district guidelines for fundraising, field trips, money management, credit card use and transportation (buses, rental vehicles and school/district owned vehicles)
- Provide a organizational constitution (by-laws) to the activity director
- Communicate to parents, students, and school administration the club’s / activity’s expectations, goals, sportsmanship guidelines and criteria for participation
- Teach in a positive and constructive manner
- Maintain a professional attitude in all situations
- Comply with and communicate to participants/parents all USD #233 Board policies, including the fact that the Student Code of Conduct is in effect during and at all activities
- Delegate roles and responsibilities to assistants
- Establish schedules that meet expectations for the duration of the season (school year)
- Monitor the safety of equipment, playing surfaces, and performance environments
- Comply with all KSHSAA and USD #233 rules and regulations including, but not limited to, participant eligibility and required physical examinations (when required)
- Maintain an inventory of event supplies and obtain supplies as needed
- Keep records of attendance and provide tagging information to school personnel
KSHSAA Assistant Activity Sponsor — Middle School
Position is a one-year assignment as appointed by the principal.
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Fulfill applicable roles and responsibilities as directed by the school’s administration and head sponsor including, but not limited to, adherence to district guidelines for fundraising, field trips, money management, credit card use and transportation (buses, rental vehicles and school/district owned vehicles)
- Work with head sponsor to communicate to parents, students, and school administration the club’s / activity’s expectations, goals, sportsmanship guidelines and criteria for participation
- Teach in a positive and constructive manner
- Maintain a professional attitude in all situations
- Comply with and communicate to participants/parents all USD #233 Board policies, including the fact that the Student Code of Conduct is in effect during and at all activities
- Delegate roles and responsibilities to assistants
- Monitor the safety of equipment, playing surfaces and performance environments
- Comply with all KSHSAA and USD #233 rules and regulations including, but not limited to, participant eligibility and required physical examinations (when required)
Math Club Sponsor — Middle School
Position is a one-year assignment as appointed by the principal.
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Fulfill roles and responsibilities as directed by the school’s administration including, but not limited to, adherence to district guidelines for fundraising, field trips, money management, credit card use and transportation (buses, rental vehicles and school/district owned vehicles)
- Provide a organizational constitution (by-laws) to the activity director
- Communicate to parents, students, and school administration the club’s / activity’s expectations, goals, and criteria for participation
- Teach in a positive and constructive manner
- Maintain a professional attitude in all situations
- Comply with and communicate to participants/parents all USD #233 Board policies, including the fact that the Student Code of Conduct is in effect during and at all club activities
- Advocate for Math Club and actively recruit members
- Plan and complete a minimum of 16 sponsor-facilitated meetings/practices either before/after school or during club times each academic year
- Other practices, as needed, facilitated by sponsor, assistants, and volunteers
- Register team and compete in at least three math competitions from the following list:
- district math competitions (Quarters 1 and 2 — required)
- MATHCOUNTS (required)
- AMC8
- KU math contest
- Emporia State University Math Day
- Manhattan Mathematical Olympiad (KSU)
- Maintain an inventory of event supplies and obtain supplies as needed
- Keep records of attendance and provide tagging information to school personnel
Non-KSHSAA Activity Sponsor — Middle School
Position is a one-year assignment as appointed by the principal.
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Fulfill roles and responsibilities as directed by the school’s administration including, but not limited to, adherence to district guidelines for fundraising, field trips, money management, credit card use and transportation (buses, rental vehicles and school/district owned vehicles)
- Provide a organizational constitution (by-laws) to the activity director
- Communicate to parents, students, and school administration the club’s / activity’s expectations, goals, sportsmanship guidelines and criteria for participation
- Teach in a positive and constructive manner
- Maintain a professional attitude in all situations
- Comply with and communicate to participants/parents all USD #233 Board policies, including the fact that the Student Code of Conduct is in effect during and at all activities
- Delegate roles and responsibilities to assistants
- Monitor the safety of equipment, playing surfaces, and performance environments
- Comply with all USD #233 rules and regulations
- Maintain an inventory of event supplies and obtain supplies as needed
- Keep records of attendance and provide tagging information to school personnel
Science Olympiad — Middle and High School
Position is a one-year assignment as appointed by the principal.
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Fulfill roles and responsibilities as directed by the school’s administration including, but not limited to, adherence to district guidelines for fundraising, field trips, money management, credit card use and transportation (buses, rental vehicles and school/district owned vehicles)
- Provide a organizational constitution (by-laws) to the activity director
- Delegate roles and responsibilities to assistants and/or volunteers
- Communicate to parents, students, and school administration the expectations, goals, and criteria for participation
- Teach in a positive and constructive manner
- Maintain a professional attitude in all situations
- Comply with and communicate to participants/parents all USD #233 Board policies, including the fact that the Student Code of Conduct is in effect during and at all activities
- Ensure the team is registered with National Science Olympiad
- Plan and complete after-school event practices. Minimum of 20 practices during the year facilitated by the sponsor. Other practices, as needed, facilitated by sponsor, assistants, and volunteers.
- Establish schedules that meet expectations for the duration of the event practices
- The team will participate in the Science Olympiad JCCC Regional Tournament. Participation in preliminary tournaments is recommended.
- Work in collaboration with the building principal, activity director and science coordinator to prepare the Student Trip Request form for teams qualifying for national contests
- Maintain an inventory of event supplies and obtain supplies as needed
- Keep records of attendance and provide tagging information to school personnel
Science Olympiad Assistant Sponsor — Middle and High School
Position is a one-year assignment as appointed by the principal.
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Fulfill applicable roles and responsibilities as directed by the school’s administration and head sponsor including, but not limited to, adherence to district guidelines for fundraising, field trips, money management, credit card use and transportation (buses, rental vehicles and school/district owned vehicles)
- Work with the head sponsor to communicate to parents, students, and school administration the expectations, goals, and criteria for participation
- Teach in a positive and constructive manner
- Maintain a professional attitude in all situations
- Comply with and communicate to participants/parents all USD #233 Board policies, including the fact that the Student Code of Conduct is in effect during and at all activities
- Complete after-school event practices. Minimum of twenty practices during the year facilitated by the assistant and sponsor. Other practices, as needed, facilitated by sponsor, assistant, and volunteers
- Follow schedules that meet expectations for the duration of the event practices
- The team will participate in the Science Olympiad JCCC Regional Tournament. Participation in preliminary tournaments is recommended
- Work in collaboration with the sponsor, building principal, activity director and science coordinator to prepare the Student Trip Request form for teams qualifying for state and national tournaments
High School Supplemental Job Descriptions
21st Century Academy Facilitator — High School
Position is a one-year assignment as jointly appointed by the principal and district staff because this is a district academy.
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Maintain a professional attitude in all situations
- Fulfill roles and responsibilities as directed by the school’s administration and district personnel
- Attend district 21st Century facilitator meetings
- Promote long-range, goal-setting, and continuous improvement of the instructional program including development/updating of curriculum and/or academies course of study aligned with endorsement criteria
- Maintain academy data collection and data recordkeeping
- Maintain communication with academy students and parents
- Manage student application process
- Applicant interview scheduling
- Evaluate applicant essays
- Compile invited, wait list and not invited lists based on developed criteria
- Notify applicants on district-identified date
- Develop and maintain student’s four-year Individual Plan of Study (IPS)
- Develop and maintain business / community / higher education partnerships for purpose(s) such as:
- Advisory committee (required to meet minimally two times per year)
- Community outreach
- Guest speakers
- Student internships and similar student professional experiences
- Student competitions
- Articulation agreements with other institutions
- Maintain academy website and social media sites
- Facilitate senior projects and PLE internships
- Public presentation of senior capstone
- Invitation to peers and underclassmen, parents, mentors, district VIPs
- Evaluate academy student’s endorsement progress and endorsement earned
- Notify district with endorsement list by May 1
- Identify graduation program distinction and provide graduation honor cords
- Promote and publicize academy graduates
- Facilitate end-of-year celebration or banquet to recognize student accomplishments
- Develop and maintain program budget; work with building and district staff for academy facility needs
- Collaborate with team, building administration, district staff, and others on academy marketing events and materials such as:
- Tours or visits
- Open houses
- Student orientation
- Beginning-of-year events
- Summer opportunities
- Brochures and/or other printed materials.
21st Century Academy Assistant Facilitator — High School
Position is a one-year assignment as jointly appointed by the principal and district staff, since this is a district academy, along with academy facilitator input.
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Fulfill roles and responsibilities as directed by the school’s administration and district personnel including but not limited to, adherence to district guidelines for fundraising, trips, money management, honoring of contracts, credit card use and transportation (buses, rental vehicles, and school/district owned vehicles)
- Maintain a professional attitude in all situations
- Attend district 21st Century after-school academy staff meetings
- Work in partnership with the academy facilitator to promote long goal-setting, and continuous improvement of the instructional program including development/updating of curriculum and/or academies' course of study aligned with endorsement criteria
- Assist academy facilitator with maintaining academy data collection and data recordkeeping
- Assist academy facilitator in communicating with academy students and parents
- Assist academy facilitator with managing student application process, interviewing applicants, and evaluating essays
- Assist academy facilitator with developing and maintaining student’s four-year Individual Plan of Study (IPS)
- Assist academy facilitator with developing and maintaining business/community/higher education partnerships for purpose(s) such as, but not limited to: advisory committee (required to meet minimally twice per year), community outreach, guest speakers, student internships and similar student professional experiences, student competitions, articulation agreements with other institutions
- Assist academy facilitator with maintaining academy website/social media sites
- Assist academy facilitator with senior projects/WBL internships and presentations of capstone projects
- Work with academy facilitator to recognize students at end-of-year celebration/banquet for their accomplishments
- Collaborate with facilitator and other academy staff, building administration, district staff, and others on academy marketing events and materials such as, but not limited to: tours/visits, open house/ expos/ fairs, student orientation, beginning of year events, summer opportunities, competitions, brochures and/or other printed materials
Art Honor Society — High School
Position is a one-year assignment as appointed by the principal.
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Fulfill roles and responsibilities as directed by the school’s administration including, but not limited to, adherence to district guidelines for fundraising, field trips, money management, credit card use and transportation (buses, rental vehicles, and school/district owned vehicles)
- Provide an organizational constitution (by-laws) to the activity director
- Inform club members about scholarship opportunities, internships, and job opportunities associated with the organization
- Regularly communicate with assistant principal/activity director the activities of the club
- Communicate to parents, students, and school administration the activity’s expectations, goals, and criteria for participation/selection
- Teach in a positive and constructive manner
- Maintain a professional attitude in all situations
- Delegate roles and responsibilities to assistants
- Monitor the safety of equipment and performance environments
- Comply with and communicate to participants/parents all USD #233 Board policies, including the fact that the Student Code of Conduct is in effect during and at all club activities
- Organize and facilitate selection of student members and chapter officers
- Follow the national guidelines for student member eligibility
- Organize and conduct an initiation ceremony as mandated by the national chapter
- Plan and complete a minimum of 12 sponsor-facilitated meetings either before or after school or during club times each academic year
- Organize and facilitate a minimum of three chapter activities (service projects, fundraising, social projects, art enrichment, etc.) each academic year
- Hold current membership in National Art Educators Association (NAEA)
- Enroll student members with the national organization and submit payment for national dues
Assistant Coach — High School
Position is a one-year assignment as appointed by the principal.
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Fulfill applicable roles and responsibilities as directed by the school’s administration and head coach including, but not limited to, adherence to district guidelines for fundraising, trips, money management, honoring of contracts, credit card use and transportation (buses, rental vehicles and school/district owned vehicles)
- Work with the head coach to conduct a pre-season meeting with parents in order to communicate all important information including, but not limited to, expectations/criteria for participation, sportsmanship guidelines, practice and game schedules, district guidelines for transportation, insurance, handling of injuries including concussions, parent-coach communication, substance abuse guidelines, lettering guidelines and the information in the aforementioned bullet. Provide this information to all participants and the school administration
- Teach and coach in a positive and constructive manner
- Maintain a professional attitude in all situations and adhere to the district’s guiding principles for coaches
- Provide an environment that promotes good sportsmanship
- Comply with and communicate to participants/parents all USD #233 Board policies, including the fact that the Student Code of Conduct is in effect during and at all activities
- Ensure all team members understand the dangers associated with hazing and ensure that no initiation or hazing activities take place
- Monitor the safety of equipment, playing surfaces, and performance environments
- Understand and implement the duties of any coach including, but not limited to, maintaining detailed practice plans, never leaving athletes unsupervised, providing detailed and repeated instruction with regards to the performance of high-risk activities, adhering to the district’s lightning and hot weather guidelines, and the evaluation of injuries and lack of physical conditioning
- Comply with all KSHSAA and USD #233 rules and regulations including, but not limited to, participant eligibility, required physical examinations, district substance abuse policy, and other KSHSAA Handbook guidelines
Building Level Team Chairperson — High School
Position is a one-year assignment as appointed by the principal.
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Fulfill roles and responsibilities as directed by the school’s administration and district personnel
- Compile the building profile
- Schedule and organize the team and chair visits
- Work with the high school principal on building reports (QPA)
- Inform the staff members of the BLT process and expectations
- Work with the BLT on the School Improvement Plan
- Monitor and report the progress of the faculty on implementing the School Improvement Plan
- Update the School Improvement Plan
- Complete the Staff Development Plan for the district (in-service plans, documentation, and feedback)
- Monitor and change the Staff Development Plan as necessary
- Work with the district coordinator on QPA materials
- Maintain all data
- Schedule and plan BLT meetings (time, location, and agenda)
- Attend district-level BLT meetings
- Facilitate reaching consensus among BLT members on determining the distribution of the BLT Service Fund stipends
- Maintain a professional attitude in all situations
Business Club Sponsor — High School
Position is a one-year assignment as appointed by the principal.
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Fulfill roles and responsibilities as directed by the school’s administration including, but not limited to, adherence to district guidelines for fundraising, field trips, money management, credit card use and transportation (buses, rental vehicles and school/district owned vehicles)
- Provide an organizational constitution (by-laws) to the building activity director
- Communicate to parents, students, and school administration the club’s / activity’s expectations, goals, citizenship guidelines and criteria for participation
- Teach in a positive and constructive manner
- Maintain a professional attitude in all situations
- Comply with and communicate to participants/parents all USD #233 Board policies, including the fact that the Student Code of Conduct is in effect during and at all activities
- Delegate roles and responsibilities to assistants
- Monitor the safety of equipment and performance environments
- Comply with all USD #233 rules and regulations
- Maintain an inventory of event supplies and obtain supplies as needed
- Keep records of attendance and provide tagging information to school personnel
- Club should meet a minimum of four times per year and participate in a minimum of two competitions per year
- Practices involve teaching students presentation skills, writing skills, role play, and other strategies to maximize success
- Secure funds to pay for district, regional, or national dues
- Assist with tournaments, including securing judges
- Facilitate opportunities for club members to compete in local, regional, or national competitions
- If club members qualify for out-of-district competitions, coordinate details regarding entry fee, transportation, food, and lodging
- Inform club members about scholarship opportunities, internships, and job opportunities associated with the organization
- Regularly communicate with assistant principal/activity director the activities of the club
Department Chair — High School
Position is a one-year assignment as appointed by the principal.
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Fulfill roles and responsibilities as directed by the school’s administration including, but not limited to, adherence to district guidelines for money management and credit card use
- Maintain a professional attitude in all situations
- Provide instructional leadership under the supervision of the building administrator
- Promote continuous improvement of the instructional program
- Assist with new staff induction
- Promote professional development of department members
- Provide communication between the administration and the department
- Promote communication among department members through regular meetings
- Promote instructional quality by aligning department goals with general building goals, building school improvement goals, and district goals
- Complete the Staff Development Plan for the district (in-service plans, documentation, and feedback)
- Assist with instructional management tasks; coordinating resources/supplies, providing input on master schedule, and coordinating field trips
- Assist with interviewing department candidates
- Serve as a liaison with the district for curriculum and instruction matters
Freshman and Sophomore Class Sponsor — High School
Positions are one-year assignments as appointed by the principal.
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Fulfill roles and responsibilities as directed by the school’s administration including, but not limited to, adherence to district guidelines for fundraising, field trips, money management, credit card use and transportation (buses, rental vehicles and school/district owned vehicles)
- Provide a organizational constitution (by-laws) to the activity director
- Communicate to parents, students, and school administration the expectations, goals, and criteria for participation
- Teach in a positive and constructive manner
- Maintain a professional attitude in all situations
- Comply with and communicate to participants/parents all USD #233 Board policies, including the fact that the Student Code of Conduct is in effect during and at all class activities
- Plan and complete a meeting with class officers and committee at least once per month
- Communicate with building activity director and principal regarding class activities
- Communicate with classmates and their parents regarding all class activities
- Oversee at least one class or school activity per semester
- Set fundraising goals by working with the activity director and principal. Oversee a minimum of two class fundraising activities per year
- Maintain an inventory of event supplies and obtain supplies as needed
- Keep records of attendance and provide tagging information to school personnel
Head Coach — High School
Position is a one-year assignment as appointed by the principal.
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Fulfill roles and responsibilities as directed by the school’s administration including, but not limited to, adherence to district guidelines for fundraising, trips, money management, honoring of contracts, credit card use and transportation (buses, rental vehicles and school/district owned vehicles)
- Conduct a pre-season meeting with parents in order to communicate all important information including, but not limited to, expectations/criteria for participation, sportsmanship guidelines, practice and game schedules, district guidelines for transportation, insurance, handling of injuries including concussions, parent-coach communication, substance abuse guidelines, lettering guidelines and the information in the aforementioned bullet. Provide this information to all participants and the school administration
- Teach and coach in a positive and constructive manner
- Maintain a professional attitude in all situations and adhere to the district’s guiding principles for coaches
- Provide an environment that promotes good sportsmanship
- Comply with and communicate to participants/parents all USD #233 Board policies, including the fact that the Student Code of Conduct is in effect during and at all activities
- Ensure all team members understand the dangers associated with hazing and ensure that no initiation or hazing activities take place
- Delegate roles and responsibilities to assistants
- Report all statistics and team information to the media and league representatives on a timely basis
- Monitor the safety of equipment, playing surfaces, and performance environments
- Maintain an inventory of equipment and submit order request as needed
- Understand and implement the duties of any coach including, but not limited to, maintaining detailed practice plans, never leaving athletes unsupervised, providing detailed and repeated instruction with regards to the performance of high-risk activities, adhering to the district’s lightning and hot weather guidelines, and the evaluation of injuries and lack of physical conditioning
- Comply with all KSHSAA and USD #233 rules and regulations including, but not limited to, participant eligibility, required physical examinations, rules meeting attendance, rules test requirements, timely completion of all KSHSAA paperwork, district substance abuse policy, and other KSHSAA Handbook guidelines
- Provide tagging information to school personnel on a timely basis
Junior Class Sponsor — High School
Position is a one-year assignment as appointed by the principal.
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Fulfill roles and responsibilities as directed by the school’s administration including, but not limited to, adherence to district guidelines for fundraising, field trips, money management, credit card use and transportation (buses, rental vehicles and school/district owned vehicles)
- Provide a organizational constitution (by-laws) to the activity director
- Communicate to parents, students, and school administration the expectations, goals, and criteria for participation
- Teach in a positive and constructive manner
- Maintain a professional attitude in all situations
- Comply with and communicate to participants/parents all USD #233 Board policies, including the fact that the Student Code of Conduct is in effect during and at all junior class activities
- Plan and complete a meeting with junior class officers and committee at least once per month
- Communicate with building activity director and principal regarding junior activities
- Communicate with the junior class and their parents regarding all junior class activities
- Oversee the planning and administration of prom which takes place in the spring
- Oversee football concessions as a financing activity for prom. If a school decides not finance the junior/senior prom through football concessions, utilize another effective fundraising activity to finance the dance
- Maintain an inventory of event supplies and obtain supplies as needed
- Keep records of attendance and provide tagging information to school personnel
KSHSAA Activity Sponsor — High School
Position is a one-year assignment as appointed by the principal.
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Fulfill roles and responsibilities as directed by the school’s administration including, but not limited to, adherence to district guidelines for fundraising, field trips, money management, credit card use and transportation (buses, rental vehicles and school/district owned vehicles)
- Provide a organizational constitution (by-laws) to the activity director
- Communicate to parents, students, and school administration the club’s / activity’s expectations, goals, sportsmanship guidelines and criteria for participation
- Teach in a positive and constructive manner
- Maintain a professional attitude in all situations
- Comply with and communicate to participants/parents all USD #233 Board policies, including the fact that the Student Code of Conduct is in effect during and at all activities
- Delegate roles and responsibilities to assistants
- Establish schedules that meet expectations for the duration of the season (school year)
- Conduct one-week district band camp (band and drill team)
- Conduct summer camp (cheerleading and drill team)
- Monitor the safety of equipment, playing surfaces, and performance environments
- Comply with all KSHSAA and USD #233 rules and regulations including, but not limited to, participant eligibility and required physical examinations (when required)
- Maintain an inventory of event supplies and obtain supplies as needed
- Keep records of attendance and provide tagging information to school personnel
KSHSAA Assistant Activity Sponsor — High School
Position is a one-year assignment as appointed by the principal.
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Fulfill applicable roles and responsibilities as directed by the school’s administration and head sponsor including, but not limited to, adherence to district guidelines for fundraising, field trips, money management, credit card use and transportation (buses, rental vehicles and school/district owned vehicles)
- Work with head sponsor to communicate to parents, students, and school administration the club’s / activity’s expectations, goals, sportsmanship guidelines and criteria for participation
- Teach in a positive and constructive manner
- Maintain a professional attitude in all situations
- Comply with and communicate to participants/parents all USD #233 Board policies, including the fact that the Student Code of Conduct is in effect during and at all activities
- Delegate roles and responsibilities to assistants
- Monitor the safety of equipment, playing surfaces and performance environments
- Comply with all KSHSAA and USD #233 rules and regulations including, but not limited to, participant eligibility and required physical examinations (when required)
Math Club Sponsor — High School
Position is a one-year assignment as appointed by the principal.
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Fulfill roles and responsibilities as directed by the school’s administration including, but not limited to, adherence to district guidelines for fundraising, field trips, money management, credit card use and transportation (buses, rental vehicles and school/district owned vehicles)
- Provide a organizational constitution (by-laws) to the activity director
- Communicate to parents, students, and school administration the club’s / activity’s expectations, goals, and criteria for participation
- Teach in a positive and constructive manner
- Maintain a professional attitude in all situations
- Comply with and communicate to participants/parents all USD #233 Board policies, including the fact that the Student Code of Conduct is in effect during and at all club activities
- Advocate for Math Club and actively recruit members
- Plan and complete a minimum of 16 sponsor-facilitated meetings/practices either before or after school or during club times each academic year
- Other practices, as needed, facilitated by sponsor, assistants, and volunteers
- Establish schedules that meet expectations for the duration of the activity
- Register team and compete in at least three math competitions from the following list:
- Pittsburg State Math Relays
- AMC 10 and AMC 12
- Great Plains Math League (GPML)
- Math League Press Problem Solving (monthly)
- Emporia State Math Day
- UMKC High School Competition
- KU Engineering Day
- KU Math Contest
- Maintain an inventory of event supplies and obtain supplies as needed
- Keep records of attendance and provide tagging information to school personnel
Mentor Program Sponsor — High School
Position is a one-year assignment as appointed by the principal.
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Fulfill roles and responsibilities as directed by the school’s administration including, but not limited to, adherence to district guidelines for fundraising, field trips, money management, credit card use and transportation (buses, rental vehicles and school/district owned vehicles)
- Provide a organizational constitution (by-laws) to the activity director
- Communicate to parents, students, and school administration the expectations, goals, and criteria for participation
- Teach in a positive and constructive manner
- Maintain a professional attitude in all situations
- Comply with and communicate to participants/parents all USD #233 Board policies, including the fact that the Student Code of Conduct is in effect during and at all activities
- Oversee the recruitment and training of student mentors
- Develop and conduct at least one half-day training activity for all student mentors
- Develop at minimum of eight activities per semester to be implemented by the student mentors
- Develop and conduct a minimum of one social event for new students early in the school year
- Oversee and conduct a monthly meeting with all student mentors during both the first and second semesters
- Maintain an inventory of event supplies and obtain supplies as needed
- Keep records of attendance and provide tagging information to school personnel
Non-KSHSAA Activity Sponsor — High School
Position is a one-year assignment as appointed by the principal.
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Fulfill roles and responsibilities as directed by the school’s administration including, but not limited to, adherence to district guidelines for fundraising, field trips, money management, credit card use and transportation (buses, rental vehicles and school/district owned vehicles)
- Provide a organizational constitution (by-laws) to the activity director
- Communicate to parents, students, and school administration the club’s / activity’s expectations, goals, sportsmanship guidelines and criteria for participation
- Teach in a positive and constructive manner
- Maintain a professional attitude in all situations
- Comply with and communicate to participants/parents all USD #233 Board policies, including the fact that the Student Code of Conduct is in effect during and at all activities
- Delegate roles and responsibilities to assistants
- Monitor the safety of equipment, playing surfaces, and performance environments
- Comply with all USD #233 rules and regulations
- Maintain an inventory of event supplies and obtain supplies as needed
- Keep records of attendance and provide tagging information to school personnel
Science Olympiad — Middle and High School
Position is a one-year assignment as appointed by the principal.
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Fulfill roles and responsibilities as directed by the school’s administration including, but not limited to, adherence to district guidelines for fundraising, field trips, money management, credit card use and transportation (buses, rental vehicles and school/district owned vehicles)
- Provide a organizational constitution (by-laws) to the activity director
- Delegate roles and responsibilities to assistants and/or volunteers
- Communicate to parents, students, and school administration the expectations, goals, and criteria for participation
- Teach in a positive and constructive manner
- Maintain a professional attitude in all situations
- Comply with and communicate to participants/parents all USD #233 Board policies, including the fact that the Student Code of Conduct is in effect during and at all activities
- Ensure the team is registered with National Science Olympiad
- Plan and complete after-school event practices. Minimum of 20 practices during the year facilitated by the sponsor. Other practices, as needed, facilitated by sponsor, assistants, and volunteers.
- Establish schedules that meet expectations for the duration of the event practices
- The team will participate in the Science Olympiad JCCC Regional Tournament. Participation in preliminary tournaments is recommended.
- Work in collaboration with the building principal, activity director and science coordinator to prepare the Student Trip Request form for teams qualifying for national contests
- Maintain an inventory of event supplies and obtain supplies as needed
- Keep records of attendance and provide tagging information to school personnel
Science Olympiad Assistant Sponsor — Middle and High School
Position is a one-year assignment as appointed by the principal.
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Fulfill applicable roles and responsibilities as directed by the school’s administration and head sponsor including, but not limited to, adherence to district guidelines for fundraising, field trips, money management, credit card use and transportation (buses, rental vehicles and school/district owned vehicles)
- Work with the head sponsor to communicate to parents, students, and school administration the expectations, goals, and criteria for participation
- Teach in a positive and constructive manner
- Maintain a professional attitude in all situations
- Comply with and communicate to participants/parents all USD #233 Board policies, including the fact that the Student Code of Conduct is in effect during and at all activities
- Complete after-school event practices. Minimum of twenty practices during the year facilitated by the assistant and sponsor. Other practices, as needed, facilitated by sponsor, assistant, and volunteers
- Follow schedules that meet expectations for the duration of the event practices
- The team will participate in the Science Olympiad JCCC Regional Tournament. Participation in preliminary tournaments is recommended
- Work in collaboration with the sponsor, building principal, activity director and science coordinator to prepare the Student Trip Request form for teams qualifying for state and national tournaments
Senior Class Sponsor — High School
Position is a one-year assignment as appointed by the principal.
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Fulfill roles and responsibilities as directed by the school’s administration including, but not limited to, adherence to district guidelines for fundraising, field trips, money management, credit card use and transportation (buses, rental vehicles and school/district owned vehicles)
- Provide an organizational constitution (by-laws) to the activity director
- Communicate to parents, students, and school administration the expectations, goals, and criteria for participation
- Teach in a positive and constructive manner
- Maintain a professional attitude in all situations
- Comply with and communicate to participants/parents all USD #233 Board policies, including the fact that the Student Code of Conduct is in effect during and at all senior class activities
- Plan and complete a meeting with senior class officers and committee at least once per month
- Communicate with building activity director and principal regarding senior activities
- Communicate with the senior class and their parents regarding all senior class activities
- Assist school administration with the planning of and running of the school’s commencement ceremony
- Plan a senior class activity in both the fall and the spring (the senior picnic may count as the spring activity)
- Oversee the design and printing of the senior class T-shirt
- Oversee the senior class panoramic picture (only if your school has one)
- Maintain an inventory of event supplies and obtain supplies as needed
- Keep records of attendance and provide tagging information to school personnel
Thespian Honor Society — High School
Position is a one-year assignment as appointed by the principal.
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Fulfill roles and responsibilities as directed by the school’s administration including, but not limited to: adherence to district guidelines for fundraising, field trips, money management, credit card use and transportation (buses, rental vehicles and school/district owned vehicles)
- Provide a troupe constitution (by-laws) to the activity director
- Inform club members about scholarship opportunities, internships, and job opportunities associated with the organization
- Regularly communicate with assistant principal/activity director the activities of the club
- Communicate with parents, students, school administration, and the home office concerning the troupe’s expectations, goals, guidelines, and criteria for participation
- Teach in a positive and constructive manner
- Maintain a professional attitude in all situations
- Comply with and communicate to participants/parents all USD #233 Board policies, including the fact that the Student Code of Conduct is in effect during and at all activities
- Delegate roles and responsibilities to any assistants
- Monitor the safety of equipment, theatre spaces, and performance environments
- Comply with all USD #233 rules and regulations
- Maintain an inventory of thespian supplies and obtain supplies as needed
- Keep records of attendance and provide tagging information to school personnel
- The troupe director is the official representative of the school’s troupe to the home office and parent organization
- Keep troupe membership active and in good standing; comply with Thespian Honor Society rules
- Keep a record of thespian points earned by students following a developed and approved point system
- Annually award and honor thespians according to the point system and troupe constitution
- Hold annual troupe officer elections
- Plan and complete a minimum of 12 sponsor-facilitated meetings or activities (not including rehearsal and performances) either before or after school or during club times each academic year
- Attend a thespian event with students: Kansas Thespian Conference, the national Thespian Festival, or other approved event
Tri-M Honor Society — High School
Position is a one-year assignment as appointed by the principal.
- Model district guiding principles of Children First, Respect for All, Teamwork, Excellence in Quality, and Commitment to Individual Needs
- Fulfill roles and responsibilities as directed by the school’s administration including, but not limited to, adherence to district guidelines for fundraising, field trips, money management, credit card use and transportation (buses, rental vehicles, and school/district owned vehicles)
- Provide an organizational constitution (by-laws) to the activity director
- Inform club members about scholarship opportunities, internships, and job opportunities associated with the organization
- Regularly communicate with assistant principal/activity director the activities of the club
- Communicate to parents, students, and school administration the activity’s expectations, goals, and criteria for participation/selection
- Teach in a positive and constructive manner
- Maintain a professional attitude in all situations
- Comply with and communicate to participants/parents all USD #233 Board policies, including the fact that the Student Code of Conduct is in effect during and at all club activities
- Organize and facilitate selection of student members based upon Tri-M membership criteria
- Plan and complete a minimum of 12 sponsor-facilitated meetings either before or after school or during club times each academic year
- Organize and facilitate a minimum of three chapter activities (service projects, fundraising, social projects, etc.) each academic year
- Hold current membership in NAfME; comply with NAfME rules
- Complete and submit Tri-M Chapter Summary Report to NAfME at the end of each academic year (May 15)
- Support and promote the national TRI-M student expectations of music participation, grades/scholarship, leadership, service, and character