Welcome to Civic Leadership Academy - Est. 2017

  • The Civic Leadership Academy is located at Olathe East High School.

    Legal Studies & Public Administration

    Who We Are

    Civic Leadership Academy logo Students in the Civic Leadership 21st Century High School Academy will engage in the world of legal studies and public administration to become leaders equipped to advocate for change and justice and keep society running smoothly. Students in the Civic Leadership Academy will develop the knowledge and skills to lead effectively in the fields of Public Administration and Legal Studies.

    • Community builders
    • Problem solvers
    • Leaders in our school and community

    What We Do

    • Discover and define individual leadership potential
    • Develop employability skills necessary for careers in public service such as law, city/county government, and non-profit organizations
    • Learn to think locally and globally when identifying and solving real-world, diverse problems
    • Collaborate with dynamic community, corporate, and political leaders
    • Explore sources and types of law (including civil and criminal law) in addition to exploring ethics in legal decision making
    • Explore effective strategies to manage and motivate people
    • Contact Information:email the Civic Leadership Academy or call 913-780-7120.

Learn About CTE and Civic Leadership Academy

  • Ten of our 15 Academies have a Career and Technical Education (CTE) pathway embedded in them. This means the courses they already take in the Academy also follow a CTE pathway. When a student earns an Academy Endorsement by completing all the requirements, they may also earn a "CTE Completer" status. Both the Academy Endorsement and the CTE Completer status will be printed on the student's transcript. These are great tools on the resume to show a student's accomplishments. Additionally, CTE Completers are eligible for CTE Scholars recognition.

    The CTE Government and Public Administration pathway is embedded into the Civic Leadership Academy.

    Learn about the Government and Public Administration pathway
