OATC Transportation

  • Students attending OATC during the morning classes are given the option to access transportation. If you wish for your student to ride the bus to OATC, please view the school transportation website to learn about transportation and register your student for the bus. Please designate that your student is an OATC student and which OATC building is the final destination. (OATC, Olathe North or WDLC satellite campus)

    All students attending morning classes at OATC may ride the bus back to their home high school.

    Subscriptions to the Stopfinder app for DS Bus Lines will be sent via email to the primary guardian of all bus riders in early August and must be activated before initial app login. The Stopfinder app will let parents know what time the bus will be arriving and the buses' present location. It will also advise if there are delays.

    Learn more about Stopfinder.