Welcome to OATC

  • Welcome to the two-year career and technical education programs! The two-year programs are available for Olathe juniors and seniors only. All of our programs focus on today’s high-demand career fields and help prepare students for the world of work or post-secondary training by combining student interest and learning through hands-on experiences, industry-standard resources and equipment, and real-world partnerships fusing academic and technical skills, knowledge and the training necessary for future careers.

    Students must complete an application process for acceptance into our two-year programs. Student applicants need to have good attendance, good behavior, and be on-track to graduate in order to qualify for our programs during their junior and senior years. The timeline for applying for a two-year program is:

    • End of October — Application for the following school year goes live
    • October — District open house for students in grades 8–11
    • October/November — Scheduled tours with students' home high school
    • December — Application deadline
    • January — Students are notified via email of acceptance to a program
    • Mid-January — Students must accept their position by returning their signed contract.
    • April - Students must attend a Mandatory Orientation meeting annually in order to be enrolled in our programs.

    Please contact our office at 913-780-7026 with any questions or email our administrator.

    sign language interpreter icon If you need an American Sign Language interpreter, please email building secretary Tracy Horn at least five days in advance.

A Look at Our Programs

  • graphic image of Roadrunner mascot

    Our Main Campus:
    611 N. Nelson Road,
    Olathe, KS 66061

    Satellite Campuses:
    WDLC — 1005 S. Pitt, Suite A
    Olathe North — 600 E. Prairie Street

    Our Phone Number:
    913-780-7462 (Spanish line)

    Our Fax Number:

    Our Mascot:
    The Roadrunner

    Our School Colors:
    Orange, black and gray