
Enrollment Requirements and Procedures

  • To enroll a new student at Olathe West High School, please call 913-780-7180. Olathe District Schools requires a parent to bring the following documents to begin enrollment for a new student:

    1. Your student's birth certificate
    2. A copy of your student's immunization records
    3. Proof of your address in the form of a utility bill, housing contract or lease agreement
    4. A copy of your student's transcripts including exit grade if transferring mid-year
    5. Your student's Individual Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plan if applicable
    6. Proof of your legal guardianship if applicable

    The following documents need to be completed before your student meets with their counselor.

    1. Student Enrollment Form
    2. Proof of Identity Form
    3. Transcript Request
    4. Health Survey

    Please email OWenrollment@olatheschools.org to request an enrollment packet. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre la incripcion, pongase en contacto con Brenis Soto Sandoval a el 913-780-7185.

    Once all forms have been completed and verified, you will meet with the counselor to discuss your class schedule. After the student's schedule is completed, you will be directed to the bookkeeper to discuss payment of fees. 

    New Student Parent Guide