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Collegial Mentor / Orientation Partner FAQs
What is a collegial mentor or orientation partner?
Collegial mentors and orientation partners are building-level mentors assigned to all new educators in the Olathe Public Schools. The program is part of a comprehensive induction program to help acclimate new educators to building policies, procedures, and culture and to support new educators with curriculum, management, and instructional practices.
Collegial mentors are assigned to all novice educators new to Olathe. Orientation partners are assigned to all experienced educators new to Olathe.
Why is this partner program important to me?
Your collegial mentor/orientation partner is a building-level colleague able to provide valuable insight into your building’s policies, procedures, and culture. If you are on a license other than a professional license, the Kansas State Department of Education requires you to participate in a two-year mentoring program to be eligible for a Kansas Professional License. The collegial mentor/orientation partner program will satisfy those requirements.
What are the requirements for meeting with my partner?
Collegial mentors and their new educators should meet approximately two hours per month during first semester and one hour per month during second semester.
Orientation partners and their new educators will meet approximately two hours per month during first quarter and one hour per month during second quarter.
You may meet before, during, or after school. You also may “meet” virtually by telephone, email, or text.
Because every partner-new educator situation is different, please note that you may schedule meetings for different amounts of time each month. There may be a month when you meet eight times for 15 minutes or a month when you meet one time for two hours.
Collegial mentors and orientation partners will also assist new educators in unstructured formats – in the hallways, at lunch, on the playground, via email — for immediate assistance.
What topics will we discuss at our meetings?
Topics will be relevant to both the time of year and the new educator’s immediate needs. Collegial mentors and orientation partners will focus on topics related to your building’s policies, procedures, and culture but will also support you regarding the Olathe standards, curriculum, instruction, classroom management, and assessment, as needed. Mentors have a “Field Guide” which has a series of topics to discuss each month and a page on which to sign off indicating you met together.
New educators should compile a list of questions and topics to bring to these meetings as well.
Are conversations with my partner confidential?
Yes. Your collegial mentor/orientation partner has a confidential relationship with you and will not share your conversations with your appraiser. Your collegial mentor/orientation partner may contact your instructional coach for additional assistance and support.
Do meetings with my partner earn professional development points?
Yes. New educators working with a collegial mentor will receive up to 15 professional development points for participation during the course of the school year. These points may be used for both relicensure purposes and movement on the district salary scale.
New educators working with an orientation partner during first semester will receive up to eight professional development points for both relicensure and movement on the salary scale.
Who should I contact if I have questions?
Kelly Tines, Coordinator of Instructional Coaching, offices in the Instructional Resource Center.
She can be reached by phone at 913-780-8151 or via email at ktinesirc@olatheschools.org.