Third Grade Mock Trial — Constitution Day, Sept. 17, 2024

  • You are invited to participate in the Third Grade VIRTUAL Mock Trial in celebration of Constitution Day!!

    We have partnered with the Kansas 10th Judicial District Court in Olathe to offer the Third Grade Mock Trial Event statewide on Constitution Day, Sept. 17, 2024, beginning at 9:15 a.m.

    Judge Robert J. Wonnell of the Kansas 10th Judicial District Court began this program with third-graders at Forest View Elementary School 10 years ago. Last year, we expanded to all third grade classrooms in Olathe and this year we have expanded again, but this time statewide! We expect this to continue to be an annual event.

    This event is a great way to enrich social studies instruction in your classroom. This mock trial experience also connects to the HGSS focus standard for third grade, which is that societies are shaped by the identities, beliefs, and practices of individuals and groups, and the reinforced standards that choices have consequences, and individuals have rights and responsibilities.

    Students will make connections with the third grade social studies content by learning about their community and the civic duties that people perform, such as following the law, showing respect for others, and even serving on a jury. By participating in the mock trial, students will learn about the court system, the branches of government, and the Constitution of the United States!

    Be sure to access the lesson plans that will prepare students for the mock trial event. Students will explore why we have rules and laws, learn about the different jobs of court officials, and "take" a courtroom tour! Your students will enjoy learning about the court system in advance, which will enrich the entire experience.

    In order to participate, you must register for the event using the registration page on the navigation menu. You are encouraged to use the mock trial lesson plans page to access the before, during, and after activities. Doing so will allow students to fully experience this amazing learning opportunity.

    Reach out to Olathe Public Schools Social Studies Coordinator Julie Fishburn with any questions you might have.

    We truly hope that you will join us for this unique, engaging, interactive, and educational experience on Sept. 17. What a great way to enrich Celebrate Freedom Week and Constitution Day!