Link Crew

  • Link Crew is a student-centered leadership and mentor program. It provides structure for freshmen to receive support and guidance from upper-classmen who have been through the challenges that high school poses. Link Crew support creates “connected” freshmen who feel welcomed, wanted and behave differently; they are more respectful, less antagonistic, more involved and care more about themselves and the school community in general.

    Link Leaders step up and become a substantial presence on campus acting as models of positive behavior, which is ultimately a catalyst of climate change at our school. Two natural by-products of Link Crew are a strong sense of character development and the emergence of an anti-bullying environment. Students are more connected to each other, involved in their school and empowered to make a difference.

    Link Leaders are junior and senior students who act as mentors for our incoming freshmen and students new to Olathe Northwest High School.

    If you have any questions, please email Link Leader Coordinator Christy LeManske.