How to Register Your Community Service Hours

  • All student volunteer community service hours will be recorded using the student's Xello account. This will allow a more streamlined and accurate way of documenting volunteer hours. In order to access this site, please follow these step-by-step directions.

    1. Log into the Xello through ClassLink on your school computer.
    2. Once there, click ABOUT ME at the top of the page.
    3. Click the volunteer icon under the EXPERIENCE tab.
    4. Once on this page, record all the required information. Be sure to accurately record the date and number of hours
    5. In the DESCRIPTION section, record the EXACT date(s).
    6. Do not forget to hit the SAVE button upon completion of each experience.

    Reporting Period

    All hours must be completed and reported between April 1, 2024 through March 31, 2025. Hours completed outside these dates will not be counted for this year.

    ***Dates will not change just the year***

    Spring 2025 Raven Community Service Award Criteria

    • Gold Award = 250 hours and above
    • Silver Award = 175-249 hours
    • Bronze Award = 100-174 hours

    Seniors will receive their community service award certificate during Senior Awards Night in Spring of 2025. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors will receive their certificates during their fall awards breakfast.

    If you have any questions or problems logging your hours, please email counselor Rebecca Riffel or call 913-780-7157.