- Arbor Creek
- Fourth-Grade Curriculum
Third and Fourth Grade Curriculum
Third and fourth graders transition to increased independent application of skills and strategies they are learning. Third grade is a year of firsts — Kansas reading and math assessment, district writing assessment, and computer keyboarding instruction. Fourth graders also participate in the Kansas reading and math assessment and the district writing assessment.
Reading instruction continues to be a priority. The district goal is for all students to be successful readers by the end of third grade. Future academic success is connected to this important goal of successful reading. Reading instruction helps students grow in their comprehension of a wide variety of text they read. Third- and fourth- graders throughout the district write often and produce different types of writing (narrative, expository, and technical in third grade with persuasive added at fourth grade). Students build an understanding of the criteria for effective writing through instruction in the 6 + 1 Writing Traits. Specific lessons focus on the traits of Ideas and Content, Organization, Voice, Word Choice, Conventions, and Presentation. The Library Media Center is the hub of activity as students use information to develop areas of interest and enhance curriculum concepts.
Math skills at third and fourth grade need to be firmly in place to support increased expectations with problem-solving strategies, number sense, measurement, and geometry. Students delve deeper into the scientific investigation process and study exciting topics such as the solar system, insects, water, and recycling in third grade and electricity, magnetism, and the environment in fourth grade.
Social studies learning prepares students for their future by increasing understanding of their roles as informed citizens. Third graders learn about the past and present of local communities and fourth graders emphasize regions of the United States.
Physical education, music, and art learning experiences continue to focus on wellness, development, and enrichment of the whole child.
- Family Guide to English Language Arts (PDF)
- Third grade English language arts standards (PDF)
- Third grade general music standards (PDF)
- Third grade health curriculum (PDF)
- Third grade library curriculum (PDF)
- Third grade math standards (PDF)
- Third grade physical education curriculum (PDF)
- Third grade science curriculum (PDF)
- Third grade social studies curriculum (PDF)
- Third grade visual arts standards (PDF)
- Family Guide to English Language Arts (PDF)
- Fourth grade English language arts standards (PDF)
- Fourth grade general music standards (PDF)
- Fourth grade health curriculum (PDF)
- Fourth grade library curriculum (PDF)
- Fourth grade math standards (PDF)
- Fourth grade physical education curriculum (PDF)
- Fourth grade science curriculum (PDF)
- Fourth grade social studies curriculum (PDF)
- Fourth grade visual arts standards (PDF)