Welcome to Head Start

  • Olathe Head Start Mission Statement

    The mission of Olathe Head Start is to “Enhance the quality of life for families through education and support services in a safe, caring environment.”

    Head Start Philosophy and Goals

    The fundamental goal of Head Start is to increase social competence in children. In striving to achieve this goal, the cognitive (thinking), social, emotional, creative, and physical development of all children is enhanced through developmentally appropriate activities in and outside the classroom. The Head Start experience provides an active learning environment that allows children to cultivate their interests while developing knowledge about their surroundings and social skills in relating with each other and adults.

    Head Start realizes the importance of the social competence of the entire family. The program works with the whole family to create the best possible experiences for a child’s maximum growth and social development. It is Head Start’s goal to enhance the family’s skills in managing the responsibilities of day to day life.

    2023-24 Annual Report (PDF)