Immunizations and Physicals

  • We need parents' assistance to consistently implement our immunization and physical policies across the district.


    ** Prior to attending a Kansas school for the first time, students must show proof of one of each required immunization for the series required of their grade level the year prior. For the 2017-18 school year the required series for grade levels are:

    • TDaP/Polio/MMR/Hep B and Varicella – for all grade levels

    Legal guardians are informed of these requirements when given the “New to Olathe” health form packet.

    Students may enroll and every effort will be made to acquire immunization records prior to the first day of school (e.g. school staff calling other school districts, doctor's offices, health departments, etc.)

    NOTE: Any student who has previously attended an Olathe school does not need to present an immunization record as it has been retained in our record database. Returning students do need to present proof of any boosters the students have received since last attending an Olathe school.

    Immunization Exclusion Dates:

    The school nurse audits the immunization record of each new student and informs parents as soon as possible if additional boosters needed (beyond showing proof of one each). Students must comply by the following dates or be excluded from school.

    • The second Monday in October for students enrolled thru Aug. 31.
    • The second Monday in January for students enrolled Sept. 1 through Nov. 30.
    • The second Monday in April for students enrolled Dec. 1 through March 31.

    The Johnson County Health Department offers an evening immunization clinic every Tuesday until 6:30 p.m. JCHD accepts Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Coventry, and United Health Care, as well as Medicaid/KanCare for immunizations. Underinsured families need to show proof of free or reduced lunch status to be eligible for the sliding scale consideration.


    High school students participating in sports (including drill team and cheerleading) must present the completed Kansas State High School Activities Association (KSHSAA) physical form with the physical obtained on or after May 1st of the current school year. The KSHSAA physical may be done by an MD, DO, Chiropractor, RPA, or APRN.