Many Activity Options for Students

  • There are many ways for Olathe East students to be involved through these activities and clubs! Visit their websites or read about many activities below.

Activities at Olathe East

Club/Activity Sponsor(s)
ALS Sign Club Katie Caslow
Asian Student Alliance
Awake Club Kim Hansen
Band Rebecca Fillingham
Be the Voice Abigail Gaghen
Black Student Union Stephanie Braden
Cheerleading Nicole Gray
Class of 2025 (Seniors) Breanna Francis, Heather Tow
Class of 2026 (Juniors) Allie Younggren, Emma Lockard
Class of 2027 (Sophomores) Travis VandeNoord
Class of 2028 (Freshmen) Catie Penrose
Cosplay Club Travis VandeNoord
Debate & Forensics Stacy Goddard
DECA Kirk Peterson, Lindsey Skaggs
Drill/Dance Team Grace Williams, Emily McDonald
Educators Rising Shelly Staples
E-Sports Jacob Sawyer
Family, Career & Community Leaders of America Hanna Hurt
Fellowship of Christian Athletes Jacob Gunn
Fishing Club Lance Larson
French National Honor Society Lauren Carter, Katrina Carey
Gaming Club Jacob Sawyer
Gender Sexuality Alliance Christie Kerksiek
German Club/German National Honor Society Chris Seidler
Hawk Leaders Heather, Tow, Anj Woodward