Internship and Job Shadowing Information

  • Internships and job shadowing experiences will help connect technical skill development at the application level to authentic industry-related experiences for the individual student learner across all fields and pathways. The goal for every Olathe School District student is to use their secondary experiences to further define their post-secondary plans. Through involvement in one of Olathe’s Career and Technical Education (CTE) Pathways, Olathe Advanced Technical Center advanced technical programs, 21st Century Academies, visual arts or performing arts programs, we offer to qualified seniors a capstone Work Based Learning (WBL) experience to explore career options in their field of interest, enhance skill development, and gain industry knowledge. Students will strengthen their knowledge of the job search process including developing a resume, cover letter, LinkedIn profile and networking and interview skills further enhancing their professional skills necessary for success in the workplace. 

    Who May Participate

    • Second semester juniors or first semester seniors in any CTE Pathway, OATC program or academy who would like potential placement in a WBL experience during their senior year


    • Students must be able to provide their own transportation to off-site locations.

    Hours students can work

    • During the students designated internship/capstone class time, typically offered hours 1-2 or 6-7.
    • Arrangements can be made for after school or weekend hours.

    Paid or Unpaid Internships

    • This is dependent on the internship placement site if they are willing to offer a paid experience.

    What roles can students perform while at a placement facility?

    • If necessary, they can go through training a new employee would do.
    • Perform responsibilities other employees would do.
    • Assign to a team where their skill set can be used.
    • Acquire certifications that full time employees do.

    Next Steps

    1. Read the WBL Student Handbook
    2. Search for internship experience postings on Jobready WBL or network and make personal connection with business partner.
    3. Apply for internship experience OR submit proposal experience in Jobready WBL.
    4. After being placed in an internship, complete al post-placement forms and requirements