Welcome to Meadow Lane

  • Mission Statement

    Our Mission is to provide an environment where children become productive, confident, life-long learners.

    Meadow Lane Elementary School History

    Meadow Lane School District #108 was formed July 12, 1951 when the former Prairie Star and Cherry Lane schools merged with the three districts, Grandview, Bethel and Twin Springs, which had already consolidated in 1949. After approval of a $150,000 bond issue, the contract was let Sept. 11, 1952, and construction started a month later. Due to a short delay because of strikes in the construction industry, the building was completed in the late summer of 1953 and students started attending classes for the fall term Sept. 21, 1953. The beautiful five-room, one-story building sat on a four-acre tract of ground in the virtual center of the area. Designed by architect, Donald R. Hollis, with facilities for 90 students, the school was planned to serve 50 percent more students than the district’s enrollment. Its three classrooms, multi-purpose room, office, health room and kitchen were all equipped with modern facilities designed to serve the educational needs to the students of the growing community.

    • 1951 — Meadow Lane District #108 was formed
    • 1953 — Original building was constructed: three classrooms, an office, nurse’s room, and a multi-purpose room
    • 1959 — Front three classrooms were added to the south side of the Building A
    • 1965 — Brought into Olathe School District #233 with the unification of school districts in Kansas
    • 1971 — Six classrooms were added to the west side of Building B (now the fifth and sixth grade area)
    • 1975 — The rest of Building B was added: six classrooms on the east side, a library, the kindergarten classrooms, and additions to the multipurpose room
    • 1990 — Building C (north addition) was added: eight classrooms, library media center; a stage was added; and renovations to Building A (classrooms and offices)
    • 1990 — The Board of Education realigned the attendance area for Meadow Lane Elementary School to form the Mahaffie Elementary School attendance area which opened in the fall of 1990
    • 1996 — The Board of Education realigned the attendance area for Meadow Lane Elementary School to form the Cedar Creek Elementary School attendance area that opened in the fall of 1997
    • 2003 — The Board of Education purchased property at 115th and Woodland Road for a new elementary school in the future which would relieve enrollment at Meadow Lane Elementary School
    • 2005 — East addition opened in January consisting of main entrance, lobby, restrooms, administrative offices and multi-purpose room
    • 2006 — The Board of Education approved the construction of a new elementary school at 115th and Woodland Road
    • 2008 — Woodland Elementary School opened at 115th and Woodland Road. The school relieved enrollment at Meadow Lane by 300 students.
    • 2009 — The Board of Education approved the district reorganization of the schools. Starting in the fall of 2010, Meadow Lane became a pre-kindergarten through fifth grade school. Sixth-graders will move to Prairie Trail Middle School.
    • 2010 — First year that Meadow Lane is strictly for pre-kindergarten through fifth grade


    2017 — The Meadow Lane enrollment is 432 students, pre-kindergarten through fifth grade.
    Geographic attendance area: Approximately four square miles
    Busing: Free if over 2.5 miles from school. Payrider option if under 2.5 miles from school

    Meadow Lane continues to meet the Standard of Excellence set by the Kansas Department of Education.

  • Meadow Lane mustang logo

    Our Location:
    21880 College Blvd.,
    Olathe, KS 66062

    Our Phone Number:

    Our Fax Number:

    Our Mascot:
    The Mustang

    Our School Colors:
    Red and Black