Careful And Rapid Dismissal System (CARDS)

  • CARDS (Careful And Rapid Dismissal System) offers a structure that facilitates a smooth and efficient traffic flow that is safe for all Brougham students as dismissal.  It provides a warm/cool, dry, and supervised place for students to wait for their ride and provides a supervised and safe exit from the building for all walkers. Thank you for your continued patience, flexibility and attention to student safety as we work together to safely dismiss over 300 students each day.

    The CARDS plan provides an ACE rider number for every student and family at Brougham. Even those families who never intend to pick up their student(s) by car will receive ACE numbers. Assigning an ACE number to every student and family will allow us to utilize the same CARDS system to release all students directly to their families in a safe, rapid and orderly way in the event of an emergency situation or catastrophic event.

    About the ACE Rider Numbers

    • Every student will receive an ACE rider number card to attach to their backpack. Parents/guardians will receive ACE number cards that match their children’s ACE rider numbers. These numbers are based on the primary address (as provided by parent/guardian on the enrollment form). Siblings who have the same primary address will have the same number. Siblings that have different primary addresses will have different numbers.
    • Families will receive four ACE number cards for car display. This way, parents/guardians will have an ACE number card for family cars, plus extra cards to give to others who pick up your student(s), or to trade with other families in your carpool. Families who carpool should display the numbers of all students they pick-up. Extra number cards are available upon request from the school office.

    Daily Dismissal Procedures

    Car Riders

    • Drivers prominently display their ACE number card(s) when picking up students. Place your card on the dash, the underside of the sun visor, or place the hanging tag on your rearview mirror so dismissal staff can read the ACE number as soon as you enter the pick-up line. Staff will then call inside the school for your student(s).
    • All car riders will be dismissed directly from their classrooms when their ACE number is one of the vehicles nearing the green pick-up area.
    • Drivers will remain in their cars as their students enter the cars on the passenger side. Staff will assist students as needed.
    • Parents will NOT be allowed to park in the parking lot and walk on property or into the school to pick up students. Limiting foot traffic will allow the procedure to be safe and rapid for all Brougham families.
    • We strongly encourage parents to plan ahead and enter the car line from the north, southbound into Brougham at dismissal since this will be the preferred and quickest line. Cars that must enter the south entrance will be allowed to form a line, but this will not be a priority line.
    • Please do not block driveways or intersections once in line and make sure to hug the curb so southbound traffic can legally pass the car line.
    • Please do not cut in the line or let anyone cut in front of you once the Brougham staff member calls your number. If you cut in line before the first 32 cars — this would be anywhere south of 154th Street, your child will not be waiting for you when you pull up AND you will cause a delay in the process for those behind you.

    Walkers/Bike Riders

    • Walkers and bike riders will be dismissed from their classrooms beginning at 3:35 p.m. Students will be monitored by school staff as they exit the building and school property. Students walking north will exit out the north front door (not the main entrance) and students walking south will exit out the back kindergarten hall door. Parents wanting to meet their walker or bike riders should wait in the designated areas at the edge of the school campus.
    • The only way for students to cross Brougham Drive safely is to use the crosswalk just north of the school where a crossing guard is provided. Therefore, children needing to cross Brougham Drive (without the assistance of a caregiver) are considered north walkers.

    Daycare, Bus, Preschool and Morning Preschool

    • Daycare and bus students will be dismissed when their bus arrives. Students will be escorted to the bus by an adult.
    • Morning preschool students will not follow CARDS procedures. Morning preschool will be dismissed out the “H” door on the south side of the building. Parents can simply pull in on the south side of the building by door “H” or park to walk up to meet their child on campus.
    • Afternoon preschool students and older siblings will be dismissed first and monitored by a staff member. Preschool parents should proceed to the A-F green loading zone by 3:30 p.m. and remain in their vehicles until students are escorted to the area by the teacher. Parents who are not in an A-F space by 3:30 p.m. will need to display their ACE number and proceed to the end of the pick-up line.

    Daily Arrival Procedures

    • Students may be dropped off at school beginning at 8:00 a.m. Supervision is the responsibility of the parent prior to 8:00 a.m. as staff members are not on duty until 8:00 a.m. Before- and after-school care is available through Johnson County Parks and Recreation.
    • Please use the drop-off lane pulling all the way up to the “A” space.  All cars should unload students once “landing” in an A-G space. 
    • Please do not block the through traffic lane in any way. 
    • You can help the line move quickly and efficiently if your child is ready (with bookbag and other supplies) to exit the vehicle when entering the parking lot. Students should exit from the passenger side only.
    • Students will walk directly to their classrooms, including siblings. Brougham staff will be monitoring hallways to help students get to their classrooms. School instruction begins promptly at 8:20 a.m. Students arriving after 8:20 a.m. are tardy.
    • For student safety, please do NOT ask your child to exit the vehicle anywhere other than along the curb closest to the school. Students should not exit a vehicle from the through lane.
    • If you must get out of your vehicle for any reason, please park in a designated parking stall. Use the main crosswalk to access the building. The safest way for your child to be dropped off is through the drop-off lane!
    • The south side of the building is for bus and daycare van drop off ONLY.

    Other Information

    • It is essential that your child knows how he or she is getting home at the end of the day BEFORE coming to school. If there is an unforeseen circumstance or emergency situation that requires a change of plans, please call the office by 3:00 p.m. 
    • Anyone wishing to walk home with students (including Frontier Trail Middle School students who meet Brougham siblings) should meet them at either the southeast corner of the property or northeast corner of the property, depending on the direction the student will walk. For safety reasons, we will direct walkers away from crossing the car traffic in the parking lot.
    • Students whose parents choose to park off campus will be considered walkers. Parents should NOT park on Brougham Drive in front of the school because it would require students to unsafely cross in front of the pick-up line disrupting the flow of traffic. The safest way to pick up your child is through the car line.
    • Parents who need to visit a teacher should plan ahead and make an appointment for after dismissal.
    • Please obey all traffic regulations, signage, and school personnel so we can insure a safe arrival and dismissal for all students.