Report an Absence

  • If you know your child will be late arriving at school, or absent for the day, please let us know as soon as possible. 

    913-780-7350 or email us

    Please let us know the following information:

    • The child's name and the teacher's name
    • Date the absence will occur
    • Reason for absence
    • If your child will be late, do they need a school lunch? Which option?
    • Approximately when will your child arrive at school?
    • If your child will miss the entire day, do you want homework held in the office so you can pick it up or do you want it sent home with another child?

    Thank you.

Brougham's Attendance Policy

  • School Attendance

    School success starts with being at school on time and ready to learn every day. Daily attendance leads to building strong communication skills, forming lasting relationships with school staff and classmates, experiencing innovative learning and experiences, participating in after-school activities, and building confidence and self-esteem.

    When students miss school and need to make up missed work, it is impossible to provide them with the same learning experience they would have had if they experienced the learning with their teacher and classmates.

    What Does it Mean to be Truant in the State of Kansas?

    Kansas statutes provide that a student is "truant" if they are absent without excuse, for a "significant portion" of the school day, for three consecutive days, or five days in a semester, or seven days in a school year.

    Truancy Criteria — Kansas Compulsory Law

    • Applies to children ages 7-18
    • Applies to children under the age of 7 once the child has been enrolled in school

    Unexcused Absence (when a student is absent without a valid excuse/reason)

    • 3 consecutive absence days  — letter to parent
    • 5 unexcused absences in school semester  — letter to parent and meeting to create a plan to ensure student regularly attends school
    • 7 unexcused absences in a school year  — letter to parent
    • 10 unexcused absences  — truancy paperwork will be filed with the District Attorney's office

    Excused Absence (medical, illness; per semester)

    • 0-5 — Documentation isn’t needed
    • 6 or more — Documentation from a doctor required for absence to be considered excused

    *Chronic health issues should be documented in our nurse’s office.

    Revised 1-12-23

    Johnson County District Attorney’s Office Statement

    Truancy is prosecuted as a Child in Need of Care case. Under state law, children between the ages of 7 and 18 are required to attend school. If a child is deemed truant by their school, then a referral is made to the District Attorney's Office. Upon receipt of a truancy referral from the school, our office has discretion about how that case is processed.

    Kansas statutes provide that a student is "truant" if they are absent without excuse, for a "significant portion" of the school day, for three consecutive days, or five days in a semester, or seven days in a school year. When that occurs, then the school is to provide notice to the student's parent or guardian. Once notice is received, then any further absences without excuse triggers a report to the District Attorney's Office.

    If a truancy case is filed in District Court, then the assigned judge has discretion to formulate a plan designed to meet the child's needs and get the child to attend school. In some instances, the state may proceed informally and refer the child to services. In other instances, the court will direct the child be monitored on a formal "truancy plan." If the child is placed on a truancy plan, a court services officer would supervise a child's attendance, and work with the child and family to make sure the child attends school. In extreme cases, the court has the authority to place a child outside the home to make sure the child gets an education.

    For more information on truancy, please contact the Johnson County District Attorney's office at 913-715-3000.