Construction and Design Pathway

  • Construction and Design Pathway logo Mission: Pathways in Architecture and Construction are designed to prepare students for careers in architecture and the building trades, such as construction, engineering, HVAC, carpentry and plumbing. These are the people who build and remodel houses, apartments, industrial buildings, warehouses, office buildings, churches, schools and recreational facilities. This pathway also includes the builders of highways, streets, bridges, tunnels and airports as well as power plants, chemical plants, refineries and mills. Employees in construction literally build our future! This pathway offers certification options in addition to hands-on work-based learning experiences. 

    The Architecture and Construction Pathways of Study enable students:

    • To obtain necessary skills through high quality classroom, laboratory, and field instruction
    • To earn professional certifications required for employment
    • To transition to postsecondary level institutions for additional education opportunities

    Your Options

Career Opportunities

    • Architect
    • Civil Draftsman
    • Civil Engineering Technician
    • General Contractor
    • Project Manager
    • HVAC Mechanic
    • Electrician
    • Building Inspector
    • Carpenter
    • Construction Engineer
    • Mechanical Draftsman

Sequence of Courses (Design Strand)

Course Title Academy/Program Grade Level Pathway Level Credit
Design & Modeling 7-8 0.5
Introduction to Fashion, Apparel & Interior Design (FAID) 7-8 0.5
Introduction to Materials & Processes 8 0.5
Construction Trades I: Production Print Reading OATC 11-12 Introductory 0.5
Introduction to Design I 21st Century: Design Academy 9 Introductory 0.5
Introduction to Technology Education 9-10 Introductory 0.5
Architecture Design I 9-12 Technical 0.5
Architecture Design II 9-12 Technical 0.5
Construction Trades I: Carpentry I OATC 11-12 Technical 1.0
Construction Trades I: Skilled Mechanical Trades OATC 11-12 Technical 1.0
Engineering Drafting/CAD I 9-12 Technical 0.5
Engineering Drafting/CAD II 9-12 Technical 0.5
Interior Design II 10-12 Technical 0.5
Production Design Principles I 9-12 Technical 0.5
Production Design Principles II 9-12 Technical 0.5
Advanced Studies in Design 21st Century: Design Academy 11 Application 0.5
Commercial Design 21st Century: Design Academy 11 Application 0.5
Construction II: Electrical & Security Systems OATC 12 Application 0.5
Construction Trades I: Plumbing Technology OATC 11-12 Application 0.5
Construction Trades II: Remodel & Building Maintenance OATC 12 Application 0.5
Construction Trades II: Research & Design in Building Trades OATC 12 Application 1.0
Construction Trades II: Workplace Experience in A&C OATC 12 Application 0.5
Construction Trades II; Carpentry OATC 12 Application 1.0
Research & Design for Architecture I 11-12 Application 0.5
Research & Design for Architecture II 11-12 Application 0.5

Credit Info - Construction and Design

  • To be considered a CTE Completer in the pathway, students must complete 3.0 credits within the course sequence and earn an industry recognized, comprehensive certification or pass a third-party, end-of-pathway assessment. At least 2.0 of the required 3.0 required credits must be a combination of technical and application level courses.

    Offered at: Olathe East, Olathe North, Olathe Northwest, Olathe South, Olathe West, Olathe Advanced Technical Center

Sequence of Courses (Construction Strand)

Course Title Academy/Program Course Number Grade Level Pathway Level Credit
Introduction to Technology Education IT405P 9-10 Introductory 0.5
Introduction to Design I 21st Century: Design IT404P 9 Introductory 0.5
Carpentry I OATC: Construction Trades I 11-12 Technical 1.0
Woodworking Principles OATC: Construction Trades I VE442P 11-12 Technical 1.0
Plumbing Technology OATC: Construction Trades I VE443P 11-12 Application 0.5
Remodel & Building Maintenance OATC: Construction Trades I VE441P 11-12 Application 0.5
Carpentry II OATC: Construction Trades II VE445P 12 Application 1.0
Electrical & Security Systems OATC: Construction Trades II VE446P 12 Application 0.5
Furniture & Cabinetry Fabrication OATC: Construction Trades II VE448P 12 Application 1.0
HVAC Technology OATC: Construction Trades II VE447P 12 Application 0.5

High School and Graduation Planning