About the Cornerstone Program

  • girl in graduation cap and gownCornerstone is an alternate educational program of the Olathe Public Schools for high school students who have not obtained the same number of credits as their age-like peers due to limited or interrupted formal education. These students fall under the umbrella of Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education, also known as SLIFE.

    While enrolled in the Cornerstone program, students receive literacy and math support along with individualized portfolio-based core content. Students and their families work with the Cornerstone team to develop a plan for diploma attainment and career planning.

    Our Goals

    1. Provide intensive language, literacy, and life skills instruction for secondary students with no prior schooling or extreme educational gaps in an alternative setting.
    2. Provide a pathway to graduation for high school age students who are credit deficient due to interruptions in education.


    Students in the Cornerstone program may attend an Olathe high school or attend the Mill Creek Campus depending on their age and individual needs. While enrolled in the program, the students receive instruction in content areas in accordance with the state and district standards. If applicable and available, the students may receive instruction in their native language.

    Cornerstone students have access to media and individualized programming to assist with literacy development, acquisition of the English language, and content knowledge in core areas.

    Recommended Enrollment

    young man dressed in a suitNewly enrolled high school students in Olathe may be recommended for the Cornerstone program if they fit most, if not all, the following criteria:

    1. Has not attended formal education or has three-plus years of interrupted education
    2. Entering high school in a junior or senior peer age group without credits
    3. Preliterate or non-literate in their native language
    4. Has limited or no numeracy skills

    If the building team determines a student fits the above recommended criteria upon initial school enrollment, the team should contact Cornerstone Program Facilitator Leah Yates for consultation and possible evaluation.

    Students who qualify and attend the Mill Creek Campus are eligible for free transportation to and from the Cornerstone campus at Mill Creek.

    Cornerstone students are eligible for graduation upon meeting Kansas' minimum requirements.

    For additional information regarding the Cornerstone program and student eligibility, email program facilitator Leah Yates.