- Black Bob
- Dismissal & Drop Off
Dismissal & Dropoff
Watch a video about our dismissal procedures
Please know, it is our best intention to have these in place to keep all of our students safe.
Drop off: If students are walking, they will need to use the crosswalk where the crossing guard is. We realize this may be a little further to walk, but it ensures your child's safety. Also, if you are the first three or four cars, your child can exit the car instead of waiting until you are the first car. This helps the line move quicker.
Arrival 8:35-8:55 a.m.: Students need to stay in cars with parents until 8:35 a.m. Cars will line up, stopping at the crosswalk.
You will have four ACE number cards to display in your vehicles. If you need additional cards for others who pick up your child on a regular basis, please contact the office at 913-780-7310. Students will receive a backpack tag with their car rider number on the first half-day of school.
Dismissal 3:55 p.m.: Cars will line up and wait at cones in front of the crosswalk by the front doors. At 3:55 p.m., a staff member will release cars to move into the five green pick-up spaces at the northeast corner of the building. Have your ACE number card displayed on the passenger side of the car. All car riders will be waiting in their classroom for their number to be called. Once your car enters one of the five pick-up spaces, your child/children will come out of the west gym doors and enter the car. All daycare riders will wait in the gym. All afternoon preschoolers will wait in the cafeteria. (They can be picked up by car or in the cafeteria.)
We have a lot of students who walk and ride their bikes during nicer weather. Students should only use the crosswalks to cross.
As parents, we want to set a good example and model for our students. Please do not ask your child to cross a street that doesn't have a crosswalk, even if you are with them. For parents who park in the cul-de-sac, it is the expectation that you use one of the crosswalks with your child.
The safest thing for car riders is to use our dismissal line. We appreciate all the parents who use this. Thank you!
There is no drop-off or pick up in the parking lot. (Head Start preschool uses the parking lot for drop off at 8:35 a.m. and pick-up at 3:55 p.m.) Morning preschool will depart from the doors by the Little Free Library at 11:45 a.m. Cars will line up starting at the crosswalk. Again, we want to be good models for our students and to keep them safe.
Thank you for helping us keep our kids safe.
How is your child getting home?
- Heart Walkers: Walk east on 146th Terrace (meet in the gym)
- Blue Diamond Walkers: Walk west on 146th Terrace to the crossing guard and leave through the front door (meet by the library)
- Star Walkers: Walk south on Brougham (meet by the art room)
- Blue Diamond Bike Riders: Ride a bike west on 146th Terrace to the crossing guard or east on 146th Terrace OR leave through the front door (meet outside the library in the hallway)
- Car Rider: Stay in the classroom until they hear their number called. Then go to the gym and out the gym door to the green zone.