Notes from the Nurse

  •  Remember, handwashing is the best way to prevent the spread of germs. Below is a reminder of the district’s policy regarding student illness.

    Students with the following health condition(s) shall be excluded from school:

    • Oral temperature of 100 degrees F or higher
    • Elevated (or possibly a normal) temperature combined with any of the following: a severe cold with yellow-green nasal discharge, excessive coughing, swollen glands, or skin rash
    • Eyes inflamed with purulent discharge
    • Drainage from ear(s)
    • Skin lesions (i.e. impetigo, ringworm, and scabies) until under treatment
    • Vomiting
    • Diarrhea (i.e. two or more loose stools)
    • Fainting, seizure, or general signs of listlessness
    • Questions about other communicable diseases such as fifth’s disease, chickenpox, head lice, hand/foot/mouth syndrome, etc. should be directed to your child’s school nurse.

    Please remember to notify the school office if your student is going to be absent from school.


Truth About Lice