2024-25 PTO Executive Board

Position Name
President Jima Peterson
Vice President Amanda Chappell
Treasurer Lynn Mehlinger
Co-Treasurer Emily Vietti
Secretary Jenna Patterson
Lap-a-Thon Anju Stoppleman and Anna Perrin
Community Spirit Nights Blair Murphy
Landscaping Jenna Patterson
School Grants Emily Vietti
Hospitality Amanda Vehlewald and Jima Peterson
Winter Festival Bre Sikes
Fine Arts Fair Brad Sikes and Sarah Sikes
Bingo Amanda Chappell
Room Parents Amanda Chappell

Exploring Ways to Get Involved at Walnut Grove

  • PTO Meetings are held in the WG Library at 6:00 p.m.

    What is the PTO? The PTO organization of parents and teachers from Walnut Grove works together toward a common goal — providing our children with a quality educational experience.

    Who is the PTO? You are! Every parent of a Walnut Grove student and every school staff member is automatically a member. Meetings are open to all members and volunteers are welcome and needed for every committee.

    How is the PTO funded? Because you, as a member, pay no dues, the PTO derives its operating income through the primary fundraising activity, Lap-A-Thon. Funds are used by Walnut Grove PTO to pay for field trips, host community events and help to pay for much-needed items for the school, including playground equipment, technology, audio equipment, classroom supplies and other educational resources.

    What does the PTO do? The Walnut Grove PTO provides many activities and events throughout the school year:

    • Bingo Night: A family evening of BINGO games and snacks.
    • Community Activities: Sponsors roller skating parties and community nights at local restaurants.
    • Cookies and Concerts: Provide cookies/milk and choir/band/strings perform.
    • Directory: Published each year with student contact information.
    • Fifth Grade Farewell: Plans and raises funds for special events to celebrate promotion.
    • Gifts to School: Approves grants for educational resources.
    • Hospitality: Shows appreciation to the staff by organizing food once a month and coordinating Teacher Appreciation Week.
    • Fine Arts Fair: An evening that coincides with the annual Art Fair; includes music concerts, live and silent auctions, an electronics giveaway.
    • Kindergarten/New Family Welcome: Allows parents of kindergarten students and new families to meet and learn more ways to become involved in the school.
    • Landscaping: Works to keep our school grounds beautiful.
    • Lap-A-Thon: Walnut Grove's main fundraiser in the fall. Students receive pledges for the number of laps they will complete around the field during a set period of time. All funds raised directly benefit the school.
    • Room Parent Coordinator: Communicates with room parents to plan parties and events.
    • Spirit Clothing: Apparel sold to students and parents to show school spirit.
    • Watch D.O.G. Program: Fathers and grandfathers who volunteer at the school doing various activities, such as working with students.
    • Yearbook: Photographs parties and events throughout the year and designs the annual yearbook, which is distributed in May.
    • Teacher Excellence Awards: Recommend outstanding teachers to receive the Teacher Excellence Awards granted by the OPSF.