General Information

  • Office Hours

    Monday-Friday, 8:15 a.m.-4:30 p.m.


    Countryside doors open at 8:35 a.m. for students to enter the building and start their day. Students need to be in their classroom at their desk ready to learn at 8:55 a.m. Any students who arrive after 8:55 a.m. are considered tardy.


    Students are released for dismissal at 3:55 p.m. every day.

    Lunch Schedule

    • Kindergarten: 11:15 a.m.
    • First Grade: 11:45 a.m.
    • Second Grade: 11:30 a.m.
    • Third Grade: 12:15 p.m.
    • Fourth Grade: noon
    • Fifth Grade: 12:30 p.m.


    It is acceptable for students to bring treats, if they wish, per arrangement with the classroom teacher. Please send something that is pre-packaged. Individual items that are easy to hand out are preferred. Please send napkins. Students may bring the treats with them in the morning or parents may drop treats off in the office. The office will notify the classroom when treats are dropped off and make sure they are delivered. It is our policy to hold flowers/balloon arrangements sent to acknowledge a student's birthday in the office until dismissal to avoid disruption of the instructional process. Surprise birthday parties are not permitted at school. If a student wishes to distribute party invitations at school, ALL students in his/her class must be included in the distribution.

    Cancellation of School

    If school is canceled due to snow or bad weather, the information will be available on the District Information Line (913-780-8000); on the district website: and through local television and radio stations. In general, school will be held if at all possible. Announcements will be made prior to 6:30 a.m. on the day in question. If adverse weather occurs during the time school is in session, the regular dismissal time will be observed. However, students will be released to parents/guardians who come to school. Every effort will be utilized to ensure the safety of our students.

    Visiting School

    Everyone is required to check in at the office with a government-issued ID and wear a visitor’s nametag. This is for the protection of all students and staff members in accordance with school district policy. If parents/guardians bring an item for their child(ren), please come to the school office and we will call your child to the office to pick it up. This is to keep classroom disruptions to a minimum. Thank you in advance for your consideration in this matter.

    Signing a Student Out

    Students leaving during the school day must be signed out at the office by a parent or someone designated by a parent. Parents need to come to the office when the student returns, to sign the student in. The office staff will ask for photo identification when checking out a student. Please understand that this procedure is meant to assist in protecting your children and is required at all district facilities.


    Regular and prompt school attendance is a primary foundation upon which a successful school career is built. School attendance is the responsibility of the student and parent/guardian.

    • If a student must miss school or be late, the parents/guardians are requested to call the school office (913-780-7390) or email by 9:00 a.m. on the first day of the absence.
    • Our voice mail attendance will take your message prior to 8:00 a.m.
    • If we do not receive a call, we will contact you to make sure the student is not absent without parental permission or knowledge.

    Recess Guidelines

    Please make sure your children dress appropriately for the winter weather. Please mark your child’s coat, hat, gloves, mittens, scarf and boots with his/her name. Here’s a reminder of the district’s temperature/wind chill guidelines for recess:

    • 20 degrees or above – Outdoor Recess
    • 10-19 degrees – Limited Recess (5-8 minutes)
    • 9 degrees or below – Indoor Recess

    We receive weather reports prior to recesses from the district’s online weather report and we also check with the National Weather Service. We try to be as current as possible with changing weather conditions. ALL students are expected to go outside during outdoor recess periods. Generally, a child who is healthy enough to be at school is healthy enough to go outside for brief periods. Please check with the school nurse if your child needs to stay inside for medical reasons. A note from the doctor is needed if a child needs to stay inside for health reasons.