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11-6-20 — November 2020 Board Meeting Review

Nov. 6, 2020 ~ The Olathe Board of Education met Nov. 5 to hear two presentations, one focusing on updates in learning plans due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

American Education Week

A representative from the Olathe National Education Association spoke about American Education Week, Nov. 16-20, and how it celebrates public education and all those who ensure every child receives a quality education. They played a short video showing teachers and other staff interacting with students.

Reopening Update

Superintendent John Allison provided an update to the board regarding COVID-related data and information available on the district website and mobile app. Mr. Allison detailed the district’s gating criteria and how data is evaluated. Mr. Allison noted that the website is a living resource and that each week more information will be provided.

Board members followed up with questions and discussion regarding hybrid learning and second semester enrollment.

The meeting may be watched by visiting the district’s YouTube page.

In other business, the board:

  • Approved a consent agenda including meeting minutes, financial and accounts payable reports, human resources report, curriculum revision for seventh grade geography, and designation of John Hutchison as the district’s Title IX coordinator.
  • Approved the purchase of white copy paper to meet the needs of staff and students. (general fund)
  • Approved an annual contract for on-call asphalt and concrete repair services. (capital outlay and other funds)
  • Approved the purchase of bulk road salt and on-call snow removal services. (capital outlay)
  • Accepted the mechanical engineering consultant fee proposal for summer 2021 heating / ventilation / air conditioning projects at Briarwood and Washington elementary schools; Oregon Trail Middle School; Olathe East and Olathe South high schools; and West Dennis Support Center. (2016 Bond and capital outlay)
  • Accepted the roofing consultant proposal for the summer 2021 roofing projects at Heatherstone, Prairie Center and Rolling Ridge elementary schools; California and Chisholm Trail middle schools; and Olathe North High School. (2016 Bond)
  • Approved an agreement for sports and activity broadcast services. (capital outlay)
  • Approved the purchase of Cisco wireless access point equipment to be installed in buildings throughout the district. (2016 Bond)
  • Approved the purchase of Motorola digital radios and programming services to upgrade the district radio infrastructure. (capital outlay)
  • Approved the interlocal agreement allowing the district to use Johnson County’s compressed natural gas refueling station. (general fund)
  • Appointed board member Kristin Schultz as delegate to the Kansas Association of School Boards convention, and Brian Geary as alternate delegate.
  • Approved the dedication of right-of-way for Gleason Road near Canyon Creek Elementary School.
  • Received information on future action items including renewal of annual support for Cisco systems, annual licensing renewal for professional learning management system, annual renewal of KRONOS maintenance and support licensing, purchase of bi-directional amplifier at Olathe South High School, architectural-engineering proposal for summer 2021 projects, bidding schedules for 2021 construction projects, Olathe Head Start mission and goals, curriculum for high school band, audited financial statements, annual renewal of Reading A-Z subscription, and renewal of Follett Destiny library circulation license and support agreement.
  • Received the Head Start director’s monthly written report.

The complete agenda is available by visiting the BoardDocs website.