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1-29-24 — Special Services Offers Parenting Session on Least Restrictive Environment, Inclusivity

Jan. 29, 2024 ~ The Olathe Public Schools Special Services Site Council will host a free seminar for parents of students with disabilities and exceptionalities. “Least Restrictive Environment and Inclusivity” is the topic of the Tuesday, Feb. 27 Zoom meeting. Join the Zoom presentation by 6:30 p.m.

Parents are invited to this presentation outlining the least restrictive environment pertaining to their child’s Individualized Education Program. They will understand how the LRE is defined within special education law, along with how to maximize a student’s success within their least restrictive environment. Olathe Public Schools instructional coaches will define and discuss best practices of inclusion with heartwarming testimonies from general educators, parents and special educators.

Anyone who needs a sign language or foreign language interpreter to participate must contact Sally Boyd at 913-780-8170 or email her before Feb. 13. There is no need to RSVP for the Zoom seminar.