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8-6-24 — August 2024 Board Meeting Review
Aug. 6, 2024 ~ The Olathe Board of Education met Aug. 1 for its regular meeting.
- Rachel Sullivan of Olathe South High School earned the Thespy solo musical award at the International Thespian Festival.
- Leo Steger of Olathe West High School earned the Thespy scenic design award at the International Thespian Festival.
- Isaac Lowe and Isys Haynes of Olathe West earned the Thespy stage management award at the International Thespian Festival.
- Aaron Shirley, Aidan Davis and Evan McCoy of Olathe West earned the Thespy group musical award at the International Thespian Festival.
Budget Development Update
Chief Financial Officer John Hutchison provided preliminary budget information with the board for further guidance on accessing available funding authority and levy considerations.
In other business, the board:
- Approved a consent agenda including meeting minutes, financial and accounts payable reports, and human resources report.
- Approved renewing the annual support and maintenance of the district’s active and behavioral threat assessment management and training tool. (capital outlay)
- Approved replacing restroom stall partitions at Chisholm Trail Middle School. (Bond 2022)
- Approved renewing the subscription and licensing support for Adobe Creative Cloud. (capital outlay)
- Approved adopting instructional resource materials for the middle school Computer Applications II course. (capital outlay)
- Approved renewing the YouScience industry certification licenses for career and technical education. (Perkins grant and capital outlay)
- Approved renewing the PBISApps schoolwide information system for behavior assessment. (capital outlay)
- Approved renewing the Turnitin online plagiarism prevention and originality checking service. (capital outlay)
- Approved renewing the Xello college and career readiness resource system. (Perkins grant, Learning Services, and capital outlay funding)
- Approved renewing the Lexia PowerUp reading intervention program. (capital outlay)
- Approved renewing the Gizmos online interactive science simulation resource for high school science students. (capital outlay)
- Adopted Board Policy JTC (Personal electronic Devices) concerning the use of personal electronic devices by students while in school.
- Approved board policy updates and new policies related to leave for classified staff.
- Received information on future action items including imaging system software maintenance, architectural-engineering proposal for 2025 aging facilities projects, construction bids and proposals for the upcoming 2025 aging facilities projects, mechanical engineering consultant proposal for summer 2025 HVAC construction projects, roofing consultant proposal for summer 2025 roofing construction projects, network traffic manager renewal, professional development plan for 2024-29, and multiple board policy updates.
- Received a written update on Bond 2022 projects.
- Received a written report on work being done in the Learning Services Department.
- Held an executive session for the board to discuss employer-employee negotiations.